Thursday, March 27, 2014

Man Kills Deer. Gets To Not Admit It. That's His Right.

   Today the Supreme Court allowed a man who refused to answer a Ranger's questions about a dead deer in his back yard permission to refuse to answer a Ranger's questions about a dead deer in his back yard. Since this was a news item transcribed by a toddler journalism-major intern from a transcript emanating from a "newswire" the contents of which are composed by uncurious, agenda-driven hypnotics…there is no way in hell to determine if this ruling resulted in an end to the fellow's bullying by the Federal government. All we do know is that "he was within his Constitutional rights" in refusing to answer the Ranger's inquiries about the dead deer on the man's property. Apparently the dead deer was the property of the Ranger. As are all the deer in the forest. The Rangers own them. Apparently. I assume this because they are so protective of them. They are the government's deer. Not yours. That is apparently a lot larger right granted to the government than the right granted to you - the right to not answer questions. However being given the right to not answer questions does not save you from arrest. The Constitution does not save you from arrest. Oh-ho nosir. Uh-uh. Not by a long shot. It does however grant you the right to be taken quietly. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Let's defend that with our lives, Citizens. A government document fucking you hard in the ass composed by bad writers is certainly worth dying to protect if anything is. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Bit o' Review o' The Bill o' Rights

The 1st Amendment, much vaunted by Americans educated by the State, gives you the "right" to - ok, sit down for this, there are 5 of them - gives you the "right" to 1: pray to invisible beings - 2: talk - 3: write - 4: gather - and 5: complain.
If these are rights at all they are given to you by Nature and or God and by virtue of you actually existing. The federal government to claim that IT is "giving you these rights" is a lie. And a big one. It's a whopper. It is claiming to actually BE a deity. Which is the establishing of a religion by the State. Which is forbidden by the 1st Amendment. Is your head spinning yet? Probably not. You would need to UNDERSTAND the First Amendment for that to happen.

The 2nd Amendment, as written, actually ALLOWS you to own a fully armed Tomcat fighter jet. However you in reality are NOT allowed to own a fully armed Tomcat fighter jet. So, even though the NRA is trying to convince you what a great job it's doing, actually it's doing a very shitty job. It's doing a great job of collecting dues from you though. Meanwhile the 2nd Amendment is being nonchalantly overruled by the Feds. i guess it should have been written in more ferocious ink.

The Third Amendment that YOU think allows you to kick soldiers who want to live in your house out of your house ACTUALLY says you not only have to house soldiers if the feds order you to but that they can be enemy soldiers. Now THAT is one fantastic right. You have to actually READ the third amendment though in order to see this. Otherwise you will just parrot what they told you in school to parrot: that it gives you the "right" not to barrack soldiers inside your house. It doesnt. It actually orders you to barrack soldiers inside your house. Even Muslim ones. Which Obama is filling the army with right now: jihadists.

The 4th "right" in the Bill of "Rights" that YOU probably think protects you from being searched and protects you from being seized ACTUALLY gives power to the feds to search you and seize you. You have to actually READ the 4th amendment though to see this. Otherwise you will be going around saying you have the right to be not searched and seized and sounding like a Conservative, or like a dunce, in other words.

The 5th Amendment of the Bill of Rights gives you a bunch of stuff and here is what it all is: you can be executed and or jailed: you can be tried for every offense on the books but only once for each offense: while under arrest you cant be forced to confess so while under arrest you are unofficially presumed not guilty while under arrest: you can be deprived of life, liberty and property if the proper paperwork is submitted: and finally, the federal and state and county and municipal governments in America are the actual owners of all the real estate within the national borders. Even though you might be the deed holder, the fabricated edict called Eminent Domain is the real owner. in other words the 5th Amendment of the Bill of Rights is the real owner of what real estate you think you own.Enjoy these rights, a lot of people died so that you could have and exercise them. God bless you.

Number 6 in the Bill of Your Rights gives you the following: the right to be arrested: the right to a trial in the town you were arrested in: you have the right to be told why are are under arrest: you have the right to gaze upon any accusers who the arresting officers are obeying: you have the right to have an employee of the State Agency that is arresting you defend you when you are undergoing your right to a trial. Please enjoy your 6th Amendment, Citizen.

Amendment 7 of the Bill of Rights has actually been officially nullified. I am not making this up. So you only have 9 actually-operating Amendments in the 10 Amendments of the Bill of Rights.

The 8th Amendment to the Bill of Rights says you have the right to be punished and held for ransom, which ransom shall not be "excessive." Excessive is not defined. it is your right to have your punishment - which is guaranteed - not be "cruel or unusual." These terms are not defined, that is, the degree and nature and duration of your punishment which the 8th amendment gives you the right to.

The 9th Amendment of the Bill of Rights is as follows verbatim:
"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

This is why i keep saying the Constitution was written by either idiots or demonics.
What this literally MEANS is the things claimed by the Constitution to be rights that actually in reality are permissions not rights, does not mean that other permissions called rights cannot be grandly and unselfishly tossed to the citizenry: for example - the right to a propeller beanie when you are arrested: a State or County or City can give you that right.

The 10th and final right of the Bill of Rights reads as follows:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
In plain language and not legalese duplicitous ambiguous "to be interpreted" language, the 10th amendment to the Bill of Rights gives the States any powers over you not given to the feds over you. Since there are no powers over you denied to the feds this amendment basically declares the states powerless if it comes to a showdown between the States and DC. if however at some time it is discovered that the Feds have denied themselves a power over you, a State or States can lay claim to that power over you. The "people" also have the power to do anything not forbidden for them to do.

And there you have it! the ten amendments to the constitution: your Bill of Rights! enjoy!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Gettin' Some Muslim Support Here

   As you know I have been saying all along that the Constitution is a lot like the Koran. Well!…..apparently the Islamic Community agrees with me even though Mainstream Christian Right Wing Conservative Redneck American think I am borderline Aaron Burr. More and more I am coming across Muslim videos on You Tube explaining calmly and with quiet reassurance that the Constitution is basically an introductory version of Sharia Law. One of the videos has the maker of the video interviewing an "American" Congressman in his office in DC and the Congressman is showing the fellow the Koran that he took his oath of office on. The video also pleasantly shows all the murals in the Supreme Court that show the Koran and Muslims consulting in pensive contemplation the nature of the Law and how this tradition is what the Supreme Court is founded on: Lawmaking. Or As I put it Random Edicts of Oppression Piling Up Like Diarrhea Across the Land.