Sunday, December 14, 2014

Your Tacit Agreement To Nonexistence

 In the real world the Constitution is only binding upon the 40 people who signed it. Your willingness to have it apply to you too is a bizarre act of self-abnegation or else it's kind of a herding need to be led around by the nose to some end you are not in control of. Much as is the frame of mind of cows on a dairy farm or cattle in a slaughtering yard.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Hey Now

   Hey, how's it goin'? I ain't been here for a while, I was adopted by a PTSD lunatic lady 4 months ago and have been researching schitzophrenia and various related mental maladies in an effort to get a handle on this individual. Apparently I have spelled schitzophrenia wrong, according to the computer. A fundamental error that could be indicative of why I have made no progress at all with this person in getting through to her. Which basically makes her just a normal woman, as far as I can see. But a normal woman on steroids. All the requisite female attributes are there; ding-ey ness, talks on and on, makes little sense, is demanding, is ungrateful…..but to a more powerful degree; in short totally female. Only nuts. However she is not at all dangerous, so nuts to me is just everyday people only more so. I mean I don't know anyone who isn't nuts in at least one or more theaters of their life. Politics being at the apex of this pyramid of acceptably lunacy.
   This woman who I will call Huong simply because that is actually her name, she is not what i would call a political conversationalist other than to mutter things about Obama and Hillary, the only two politicians I think she is aware of, she mutters things of disapproval.
  Speaking of Obama, he has basically announced that he is now the king. The Republicans do not have a problem with this since that now opens the door for one of them becoming king at some future date. However they are making a big ta-do about being all upset. But they are not upset. They are just pretendingto be so that the Republicans who vote for them will think they are upset.
   John Boner, one of the stupidest child molesters to ever be in Congress - which is in itself quite an achievement - is mumbling that Obama is usurping the Constitution. Well, so what. The Constitution is bad enough, what's a jive nigger going to do to make it worse. In fact it's kind of refreshing to see a politician say "I'm going to do anything I want" rather than say "This is the will of the people" before doing what he wants. So I'll give the fucker that. Which he would have eventually taken anyway, since he already has most everything else of mine. It's called looting. It's a black thing. And a government thing. Which was invented by blacks. That's why it's all fucked up.