Thursday, March 29, 2018

a moment from facebook

"The U.S. Constitution has 4,400 words. It is the oldest and shortest written Constitution of any major government in the world."
and for some reason it's still not fully understood by anyone in government and is constantly being interpreted and reinterpreted and explained and re-explained in ways contrary to the original explanations and is "living" and changing and yet resolute and final and eternal and simple to understand and yet complex and needing of micro-examining and honing and deciding and re-deciding and declaring and molding and shaping and did i say interpreting? why it's almost mystical and chimerical, this amazing piece of rules and regulations written by a committee of British-loving homesick bureaucrats half drunk with sudden power and not-so-sudden bourbon. Hillsdale College makes millions "teaching" this Instruction Sheet For Bureaucrats all the while insisting its somehow actually talking to you. it isn't. it's talking to your owners. it's written for bureaucrats. it's not written for you. if you are mentioned at all its only by whimsical accident which is being constantly looked at for ways to remove them quietly and without incident.

Jj Solari how is it the first people to compose a constitution "got it right and perfect the first time " and all the other countries have not. that's not a real question. that's actually a disguised effort to try wake up at least one of your brain cells if only for a microsecond.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

it's not written for you

The customary religious doctrine regarding the constitution is that it was written for the populace. It was actually written for bureaucrats. Only government employees are ever referenced with the possible exception of people who are under arrest - which is the main thrust of the bill of rights - it is possible that some of these arrestees are non government personnel. "We the people" is the people who composed the constitution. As is made clear once you start trying to read it. You will never be mentioned. Government will be the sole topic under discussion. You are not there. Except when arrested. Then you appear in the constitution