Sunday, May 20, 2018

let's review!

bill of rights review.
in case you have never actually read or understood the bill of rights they are
1: you have the right to complain, gather into a crowd, and have an imagination.
2: you have the right to an "arm" meaning a weapon. not necessarily a firearm. the jury is still out on what this "right" actually means.
3: if there is a war you can be forced to house a soldier. whether it is a "friendly" or an "enemy" has never actually been decided formally.
4: you have the right to arrest, or in normal language, the right to be kidnapped, and you have the right to be looted.
5: you have the right to being charged with a crime after your right to an arrest has been granted.
6: you have the right to a "trial" to "determine" your "guilt" or "Innocence" after your right to an arrest has been granted.
7: you have the right to a "jury" trial after you right to an arrest has been granted.
8: you have the right to pay ransom for yourself after your right to an arrest been granted and you have the right to be tortured and/or executed after your right to an arrest has been granted.
9: this right has nothing to do with you.
10: this right has nothing to do with you.
and there you have it! the Fantastic Bill of Rights. It's yours, citizen! Enjoy!
You know what's really funny?'re told that certain bureaucrats "fought long and hard" to insist that these ten amendments adopted. I'm thinking things would have been a lot smoother for a longer period of time if they had lost that tussle.