Saturday, April 22, 2017

you are not a branch of the government

the constitution created three branches of government that are supposed to keep rein on each other so that one of them does not become more powerful than the other two. they are supposed to remain equally powerful. over you. you are not a branch of the government. you are not in the constitution at all except at the beginning where it says we the people. you are supposed to imagine that you are one of those. actually only the people who signed the constitution are the "we the people" being talked about. you were not even born. so how can they have included you. it is only your wish-machine that is convinced you are part of the constitution. it's the same wish machine that convinces catholics a child molesting homosexual can cause jesus to enter bread dough after he says a few words of command. he can order god around. if you are a catholic you believe that. because all the catholics around you at birth told you that. without exception. they cant ALL be wrong can they?  same with the constitution. same with muslims and their 72 virgins entertaining their rotting corpses. none of it makes sense. but its what your culture told you. and without your culture what do you have. certainly not your own identity. no, you have someone else's - usually several peoples', in fact - identities. you barely exist. only the lies that other liars have told you exist. you are probably comprised of 100% lies, if you are the average person.

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