Friday, July 14, 2017

upholding the constitution

one of the most baffling things about the constitution is the injunction made by bureaucrats to other bureaucrats "to uphold" the constitution, "to defend" the constitution and to "be loyal to" the constitution. the baffling part is that these people always enthusiastically and even swear an oath to do these things. "Do you swear to uphold the Constitution....." etcetera? They all say "I sure do, bruvva" to that query. But how exactly do you uphold it? How does that action take place? For one thing the Supreme Court was created for the sole purpose of deciding what the constituton actually "says" and what it actually "means." I mean this has been going on since day one 200 + years ago. so should the question really be "do you swear to uphold the constitution no matter how it is interpreted long after you make this agreement"? well, that's kind of a funny thing to agree to, wouldn't you say? do you want someone that fucking wishywashy "representing" you in office? apparently you are not suppose to think these things through to that extent. in other words you are not supposed to think these things through to any sort of concrete reality. youre just supposed to keep it vague and mysterious and sanctified and religious.  which is all that government really is: a secular religion where magic happens as long as the people - whoever they are - will it into being: like scientologists postulating new realities and then they magically appear because "i said so." it's how an infant thinks, in other words.

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