Monday, April 16, 2018

limbaugh's worshippers

limbaugh's listener say the word "constitution" like catholic children used to be taught to say "jesus." catholics once had to bow their heads every time they said the name "jesus." what this accomplished was less and less catholics ever saying the name "jesus." because you had to bow your head. that was mandatory. it was never explicitly proclaimed that you would be committing a mortal sin - which see - but it was asumed by catholics that you were walking a tightrope between salvation and damnation if you said jesus without a head nod. conservatives have the same reverence for the word constitution. they all love this essay that they have never read. when you say constitution to rush limbaugh he never says "what do you like about it." he knows what you like about it: you like saying you like it. the idea that the constitution is actually the problem or even any part of the problem is a forbidden thought. it's like saying jesus is not in the bread disk, i mean the host. it's a forbidden thought. if jesus is not in the host then jesus didnt exist.  if the constitution is not the pathway to glorious liberty - even though its a complete curtailment of liberty - they YOU do not exist. and no one wants you not to exist.

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