Tuesday, October 2, 2018

let's review

because of the nature of government in the US unconstitutional laws are passed every billionth of a second by the three hundred thousand governments and government agencies americans live under because americans just cannot get enough governments the more the better. ten years later the supreme court, after all the other courts deal with the law, will decide - if the law gets there - will decide if it is actually unconstitutional or not. meanwhile people are being thrown in jail for disobeying the law that no one knows if its constitutional or not. if the supreme court gets around to deciding 5-to-4 or better that's its unconstitutional then you dont get arrested for it anymore. until five minutes later when the substitute law is passed that may or may not be constitutional. most laws never make it to the supreme court to find out if they're constitutional or not because there's not enough of a hubub about them. HUBUB is what determines what makes it to the supreme court. not the constitution. most laws do not get to the supreme court. so you will keep getting arrested for breaking them. you might also get arrested for not breaking ANY law, constitutional or not. you can get arrested due to the "because I said so" law. which is not even on the books. and might not even be constitutional: it's never come before the court to find out. thank you. and god bless you.

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