Friday, July 4, 2014

The Constitution As A Magical Decree

   Talking to right wingers about the Constitution is a whole nuther universe from talking to left wingers about the Constitution. You talk to left wingers about the Constitution they are very matter of fact about it and do not think it's magical. They might not be sure exactly what it is - nobody I have talked to really does: but left wingers know that it's a good thing, in some practical way, somehow, that seems to be working for them, even though they don't know what it is exactly, even Constitutional Lawyers, whatever in the fuck those even are, they are so - I guess bewildered and involved and all-wrapped-up in it….that they can slice and dice it into fractal-like increments and never repeat themselves explaining its convolutions and highways that go off into the far horizons of contorted unendingness….they might not know all its particulars but they know that it can be shaped and reshaped and molded into this that and the other thing if enough of the right people do the molding. So left wingers have a very practical down to earth attitude about it: it's something they can work with and adjust on a day to day basis. To them its a reshapable piece of tit-silicon implant that can be made bigger or smaller by injecting or withdrawing "interpretations" and "decisions." They see it as a Useful Idiot, in other words, to dredge up a phrase from the John Birch Society used to describe Democrats themselves.
   Now then, to right wingers? Oh, well now, the Constitution is something else altogether to them. To them it is something that came from the sky and is inviolate and contains the Ten Commandments. It is something modern day Moses-clones called The Founding Fathers received on Mt Vernon when the Constitutional Deity created it and hammered it into tablets and gave it to - I guess James Madison or one of his close friends - and it allows them to have small pistols and rifles until confiscated by conditions allowed by the Constitution: a document that clearly permits them to own virtually nothing if it is confiscated via "due process." which means "until its taken." If "due process" is followed, well ok, to a right winger all is well. It's Constitutiona. Doing something heinous to a right winger by government is not a problem if Constitutional guidelines are followed.
   What I'm trying to say is right wingers are insane idiots. And aggressively so. They will have an absolute fit if after they are Constitutionally arrested they are not allowed a phone call. Even though that's not one of their "rights" as "guaranteed" by the Constitution. They think it is. So what the fuck, the government lets them make a phone call. It's amusing, why not let them have it if that's what they want. Meanwhile they're in jail. Constitutionally.

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