Friday, October 24, 2014

The Constitution Manifesto


Contrary to anything you have been taught or figured out on your own the Constitution is actually the blueprint for the whole Marx, Engle, Lenin, Communist "thing." They would not ever have gotten all their bright ideas unless - unlike you - they had all sat down and actually read the American Constitution. The American Constitution lays out the groundrules for what the Conservatives of old called "fabian socialism" and what I call "commie muslim sharia masonic bullshit crap." In its essence Marxism is just Sharia Islamic decrees with a lot of Philosophical Slang surrounding it coupled with a "theory" that is more preposterous than the theory of Martians living inside Mt. Shasta and a whole lot easier to discredit. The only reason it's popular at all is because it promises to the world's loafers a life of ease provided by the world's ambitious. The invention of "democracy" thus, through something called "universal sufferage" makes this eventually the trend, since more loafers vote than ambitious people. Eventually the ambitious people become loafers then everyone starves, or everyone becomes Africans in other words. Politics and Sociology are not complicated. At least not to me. But I am sure it is to you.
   Getting back to business here, the Constitution was in fact the pair of shoulders Karl Marx, an unwashed Jew unemployable lover of government, as are all Jews, and by contagion all Christians, stood upon the view off in the distance his logical consequence of the premises laid-out by the Constitution - the premise being that all property is owned by the State and is temporarily allowed to "the people" up until such time as it is not allowed to them. Marx saw this premise and decided to just do away with the "temporarily allowed to the people" part. Thanks Founding Fathers! You founded Marxism!! Good job!!

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