Thursday, February 19, 2015

Constitution Gestalt Lesson # 5 billion and two

   The Constitution is essentially a secular version of a "scripture." It's stuff written down that is considered "holy." Unlike other scriptures which come from a deity first and onto parchment second the Constitution creates the deity all by itself, the deity being the government. The government takes the place of traditional deities in that it resides here on earth but still retains the common deititic attributes, among them omnipotence, infallibility, the working of miracles that defy the laws of reality, guardianship, concern, compassion, the need for sacrifice from its worshipers, the expectation of obedience and of course punishment for heretics or as they are called "lawbreakers." Whereas in other religions the gods create men in the Constitutional Church men create the god, which is the Law - the thing Jesus came to fulfill and thereby render no longer necessary. Trying to get a Christian much less a pagan to believe this is pretty close to probably impossible.
   While i tend to pull Jesus into everything just to make a point that is never recognized I can just as easily escort him out again which I will do now.
   To those who worship the Consitution, saying anything critical of it much less attack it from stem to stern is the equivalent of telling a Muslim that Mohammed was a sociopathic mental aberant liar with a lust for murder and child rape and that Allah is a nonexistant pile of invented goat shit and if he IS real then he's goat shit that actually exists. You get the same reaction: you are met with, if not violence, the urge to perform some on you. It's like telling a Catholic that Jesus cannot be installed into a baked wafer by a child molesting social misfit who refuses to marry or copulate on the record by uttering certain syllables of magical power so that the faithful can commit cannibalism. Catholics don't want to hear this. In fact they don't want you even saying it while off by yourself on a desert island somewhere. Because it cannot be true because if it is true then the Catholics have been acting upon a falsehood and a lie and at best an honest mistake. And when you have built your entire mental and psychological and spiritual holding-pins on a lie, and you come to realize it's a lie, then you have to collapse all these edifices and then rebuild them: which is a lot easier to do with the truth, by the way, but it seems so scary and intimidating that it's easier and a lot more enjoyable to beat the heretic to death. Murder is often associated with a lie of one sort or another that came before the murder.

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