Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How Our Government Works. In One Short Lesson

   Our government works this way: the Constitution gets written and declared "done." The Congress - created by the Constitution -  writes laws. Someday -  maybe -  the Supreme Court  - created by the Constitution - decides whether these laws are "Constitutional." Once in a while. In the meantime cops stand by ready to arrest you whenever they decide to for your having violated a law that was created by Congress. Or by your city council. Or by your State Assembly. Or by your county board of supervisors. All of whom exist by - to date - non interference from the Constitution, each having their own constitutions or something called "charters" which are constitutions for things smaller than States. In other words 4 governments create laws forbidding you to do things or commanding you to do things which you must obey otherwise become imprisoned. This is how our government works. It's not complicated. It's just tyrannical, insane, evil, stupid and expensive. Cause all these people are on huge salaries and will be on huge pensions. With full medical. While you're on skid row. Living in your own feces.

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