Monday, March 16, 2015

The Constitution Owns You

   The Constitution makes you its property. The Constitution takes the reality of property rights and perverts them into it's opposite so that you don't own property, you are property. You are the property of a piece of paper. You must be an idiot. Because you think this is not only praiseworthy but noble and righteous and worth dying for to protect and defend.
   The fact that the Constitution makes you its property basically eradicates all of your own natural God-given property rights. It just does not get more diabolical than this.  It's almost praiseworthy in its cunning evil. No one ever said Satan was not clever. He's so interestingly clever in fact I almost find it amusingly fun. Almost. Another interestingly heinous aspect of the Constitution is that it is the arch enemy and exact opposite of the Declaration of Independence. It's the declaration of dependance. And subservience. Yours. To it. The Constitution doesn't liberate you. It's owns you. It enslaves you. It makes you its property. And you think it's saving you and making your life possible. It's actually making your life impossible. It's imprisoning  you without bars. Well, some of you are behind bars. True. But that's only because some of the people imprisoned outside of the bars decide to make a break for it by ignoring the statutes. These people need to be corralled lest they become a dangerous example to others a little less adventurous. Which would be everyone not behind bars.
   The Constitution, rather than protecting you, is endangering you: it has set up parameters you not only must not cross, anything you ever do can be declared unpatriotic and or treasonous. Sooner or later. The expansion of the definition of "treason" is the only unified goal all countries have in common. In a sense the world has always been a "one world" government since all governments are  identical. They're like identical multiple births only each with a different name; instead of Bobby and Billy and Ed they are Plutocracy, Democracy, Oligarchy, Commonwealth, Dictatorship, and in our case Constitutional Democracy. They are however essentially Socialistic Omnivores, you being the food. There is a reason all governments collapse; everyone eats everyone. Because eventually nobody has anything. The Constitution is unique however in that it is the first government to expressly lay out the rules for its own eventual demise. The impossibly complex and simultaneously ridiculous assertions and conditions and unalterable edicts laid out in the Constitution spell out in clear and pompously serious language the one-way route to oblivion. No government in history has ever accomplished that before. In fact it might be the sole accomplishment of any government in history.
But, hey; Rush Limbaugh swears by the document. So I must be crazy. Because as we all know Rush Limbaugh is very smart. Certainly smarter than a washed-up Mouseketeer.

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