Monday, June 22, 2015

The Constitution: The Police: Serial Killers: And You.

   the Constitution is a sociopathic mindset in written form. Like all sociopaths Its claim is to be helping you all the while it is torturing you. And if you complain then the problem is with you. Not with the Constitution. Because the Constitution cannot err, cannot be wrong, cannot make a mistake. It is a holy parchment document from the scribes and the original copy is in a special container that is visited and gazed upon with awe not because its old and still exists but because of “what it has done.” What is has done is proclaim itself a deity. Homicidal serial killers are the Constitution in flesh-and-blood form. They perform basically the exact same deeds that cops do: they proclaim themselves arbiters of your behavior, they accuse you of doing things that have forced them to punish you, even though you never met each other until he kidnapped you and put you in a dismal room somewhere, they systematically destroy you body and spirit, they threaten you constantly with even worse punishments and then at some point you end up dead while in their "custody." Sometimes it takes decades. Sometimes it takes merely seconds.

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