Thursday, July 23, 2015

Fact of the Day

if we actually had rights there would be no arrests, there would be no courts, there would be no jails, there would be no cops and there would be no State. you cannot have rights and have government. they are contradictory concepts. and contradictions cannot exist. only one or the other can exist at any one time. this seems complicated and weird and crazy to virtually everyone. which i why i have a very low opinion of virtually everyone.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Theory of the Constitution

   The Constitution was created under the theory that goes like this: this is what was going on inside the "founding fathers'" heads;
   "Let us create a free nation. And to ensure it's continued existence let's create a coercive ruling entity that will force it to come about and will force it to endure."
   This kind of thinking is called "stupid thinking." It is thinking that is stupid. John Wayne once said there is no cure for stupid. Apparently that is true because the Constitution is still going strong and every day the noose draws tighter and tighter and tighter. At the moment the only apparently free person in American is America's President, Barack Obama. He is in many circles routinely called a dictator. He does what he wants, to whoever he wants, whenever he wants and as often as he wants. Everyone else who does that goes to jail.
   It is the Constitution that has made this happen. Obama didn't put himself where he is and he certainly isnt there because he's good at anything other than fucking things up. No, the Constitution opened up that position for him and he ran in and filled it and he seems to be quite comfortable at the post. Because it's a post created for a subhuman sociopathic monstrosity. And Obama was the most qualified in American to fit that slot. And so there he is. And the Constitution did it. And Americans think that that's just swell! 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

No Soldiers In Your House. Unless So Ordered.

Amendment III
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
   I especially like this "right" in the Bill of "Rights" because not only is it the opposite of what you - you reading this, if you are an American Right Winger - think it is, it's actually worse than what you think it is.
   Now, even you should understand the part before the second comma: if a soldier knocks at yoour door in time of "peace," and he wants to live with you, you can shut the door in his face. Unfortunately what constitutes "peace" is pretty up in the air these days. In fact since Korea. Are we at peace in 2015? Or are we at war. No one officially knows.
   It gets worse.
   If it is decided that we actually are at war, not only can a soldier demand to live with you "if done in a manner prescribed by law" which means if you are so ordered by the police - it doesn't even have to be an American soldier. It can be as ISIS combatant fighting for the global Caliphate of Islam!
   Hey, I'm just the messenger. And the only reason I am the messenger and you are not is because I, unlike you, took the time to actually read the fucking thing. But hey, put down the donut for a minute and read it yourself. Tell me where I have got it all fucked up. Thanks in advance.

Friday, July 10, 2015

The Second Amendment of the Bill of "Rights"

   Here is the total and complete text of the 2nd amendment:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

   That's it. So tell me, is this the case with you? Or is your "right" being infringed. And tell me another thing: does the above solitary sentence seem complicated to you? It seems very complicated to Congress and your City Council and your County Board of Supervisors and your State Assembly and your Judiciary and your Executives. And because they are stupid your Second Amendment "right" has been thoroughly eradicated. 

Friday, July 3, 2015

James Madison: Problem Child

   Apparently Jams Madison is the fellow most responsible for the Marxist Mess we're all in, here in collectivist America. No wonder some journalist at Yahoo wants him memorialized.
   I really dont know anything about the history of the Constitution because it ain't the history of the Constitution that is causing me grief it's the Constitution itself. But for those of you actually interested in how this pile of paper got put together I guess this is as good aversion as any.