Saturday, July 11, 2015

No Soldiers In Your House. Unless So Ordered.

Amendment III
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
   I especially like this "right" in the Bill of "Rights" because not only is it the opposite of what you - you reading this, if you are an American Right Winger - think it is, it's actually worse than what you think it is.
   Now, even you should understand the part before the second comma: if a soldier knocks at yoour door in time of "peace," and he wants to live with you, you can shut the door in his face. Unfortunately what constitutes "peace" is pretty up in the air these days. In fact since Korea. Are we at peace in 2015? Or are we at war. No one officially knows.
   It gets worse.
   If it is decided that we actually are at war, not only can a soldier demand to live with you "if done in a manner prescribed by law" which means if you are so ordered by the police - it doesn't even have to be an American soldier. It can be as ISIS combatant fighting for the global Caliphate of Islam!
   Hey, I'm just the messenger. And the only reason I am the messenger and you are not is because I, unlike you, took the time to actually read the fucking thing. But hey, put down the donut for a minute and read it yourself. Tell me where I have got it all fucked up. Thanks in advance.

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