Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Constitution's One Actual Impressive Achievement

   How the Constitution manages to present it's true identity in plain English, albeit the King's, and simultaneously manages to deceive all its readers into thinking it has a different clearly a tribute to its - apparently - magical properties. I mean there is an insistent legion of people who insist the Masons are All Kinds Of Sorcerers. I think they're just all kinds of homosexuals and too-into-it cosplayers, but this one aspect of the Consitution does in fact almost make me want to applaud it. I mean, let's face it, it's getting the job done: it's a artery-clogging morass of proclaimed bilge and there ain't a red-blooded American Redneck and even a few "Constitutional Scholars" who are convinced it is a Nobel Prize-winning piece of dynamic and brilliant social science. I mean, it's doing something right.

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