Saturday, March 21, 2015

A Common Occurrance

   I was explaining to someone who actually wanted an explanation, I was explaining to him why the constitution and not obama and not iran and not DC and not the cops and not the democrats and not the republicans was actually the real reason for all the problems in america and why all americans are miserable. at some point in my lecture he became pale and his eyes became distant. he got up from his chair and staggered in reverse and clutched onto a corner of wall and stood there, a bit slumped and he started to become afraid. I sat there calmly because I have seen this reaction before during my anti constitutional lectures. as i sat there looking around for something on the table top to divert my attention for the time being, such as a magazine or a cupful of pencils and pens to sort through, he started to cough and wheeze at the same time trying to speak. "Evil....." he gasped. "Unspeakable evil...." he repeated. I looked up and said to him "I presume you mean me." He ran doubled-over toward the front door and exited.I was grateful he hadnt vomited. Sometimes they do. I really need to give these lectures outside, perhaps at a concrete picnic tables in the park up the street. On a soap box.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Constitution: The Declaration of Enslavement

   The Constitution is usually held up next to the Declaration of Independence as being its equal in spiritual and ethical majesty. In fact the Constitution is the opposite of the Declaration of Independence in that it is a declaration of enslavement. It declares the people who freed themselves from England were now enslaved by America. Why the people who freed themselves from England thought it necessary to attach themselves to a new set of chains is something no one has ever inquired about since no one seems to have a problem with Americans being re-enslaved so long as the re-enslavement was not at the hands of the English government. I personally believe that England sighed a sigh of relief when America set its Constitutional  apparatus into operation since it bore so close a resemblance to the British government with the oddity of the bill of "rights" the only new wrinkle. However I am sure that once the British actually read the nature of the "rights" they laughed and chuckled to themselves that the Americans had sold their freedom and liberty hard won for ten trifles, trifles which in a few cases are cleverly phrased to hide what they really contain: some screaming nightmares. Fortunately for the nightmares nobody actually reads the Constitution and so they are content to believe that the bill of "rights" is something actually..........something actually something. I really don't know what to call what Americans think the bill of "rights" actually is. I guess they think it's some sort of bill of rights.

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Constitution Owns You

   The Constitution makes you its property. The Constitution takes the reality of property rights and perverts them into it's opposite so that you don't own property, you are property. You are the property of a piece of paper. You must be an idiot. Because you think this is not only praiseworthy but noble and righteous and worth dying for to protect and defend.
   The fact that the Constitution makes you its property basically eradicates all of your own natural God-given property rights. It just does not get more diabolical than this.  It's almost praiseworthy in its cunning evil. No one ever said Satan was not clever. He's so interestingly clever in fact I almost find it amusingly fun. Almost. Another interestingly heinous aspect of the Constitution is that it is the arch enemy and exact opposite of the Declaration of Independence. It's the declaration of dependance. And subservience. Yours. To it. The Constitution doesn't liberate you. It's owns you. It enslaves you. It makes you its property. And you think it's saving you and making your life possible. It's actually making your life impossible. It's imprisoning  you without bars. Well, some of you are behind bars. True. But that's only because some of the people imprisoned outside of the bars decide to make a break for it by ignoring the statutes. These people need to be corralled lest they become a dangerous example to others a little less adventurous. Which would be everyone not behind bars.
   The Constitution, rather than protecting you, is endangering you: it has set up parameters you not only must not cross, anything you ever do can be declared unpatriotic and or treasonous. Sooner or later. The expansion of the definition of "treason" is the only unified goal all countries have in common. In a sense the world has always been a "one world" government since all governments are  identical. They're like identical multiple births only each with a different name; instead of Bobby and Billy and Ed they are Plutocracy, Democracy, Oligarchy, Commonwealth, Dictatorship, and in our case Constitutional Democracy. They are however essentially Socialistic Omnivores, you being the food. There is a reason all governments collapse; everyone eats everyone. Because eventually nobody has anything. The Constitution is unique however in that it is the first government to expressly lay out the rules for its own eventual demise. The impossibly complex and simultaneously ridiculous assertions and conditions and unalterable edicts laid out in the Constitution spell out in clear and pompously serious language the one-way route to oblivion. No government in history has ever accomplished that before. In fact it might be the sole accomplishment of any government in history.
But, hey; Rush Limbaugh swears by the document. So I must be crazy. Because as we all know Rush Limbaugh is very smart. Certainly smarter than a washed-up Mouseketeer.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How Our Government Works. In One Short Lesson

   Our government works this way: the Constitution gets written and declared "done." The Congress - created by the Constitution -  writes laws. Someday -  maybe -  the Supreme Court  - created by the Constitution - decides whether these laws are "Constitutional." Once in a while. In the meantime cops stand by ready to arrest you whenever they decide to for your having violated a law that was created by Congress. Or by your city council. Or by your State Assembly. Or by your county board of supervisors. All of whom exist by - to date - non interference from the Constitution, each having their own constitutions or something called "charters" which are constitutions for things smaller than States. In other words 4 governments create laws forbidding you to do things or commanding you to do things which you must obey otherwise become imprisoned. This is how our government works. It's not complicated. It's just tyrannical, insane, evil, stupid and expensive. Cause all these people are on huge salaries and will be on huge pensions. With full medical. While you're on skid row. Living in your own feces.