Sunday, October 9, 2016

Constitution Blurb of the Day.

lets forget about the preamble which is a collection of raving wishful thinking and jump right to the first sentence of the actual mess. "all legislative..." yada yada. first of all this sentence is a massive contradiction in itself. if congress has all legislative power....where did it come from?.....some other legislative power? who gave all that power to congress? the Power Broker Central Authority? or is it rather just an edict edicted by mysterious entities outside of Congress. or in other words, if congress has all legislative power then the declaration that it has all legislative power has no actual merit. it really doesnt have all legislative power. otherwise congress would be announcing this itself. but it isnt. the constitution is. so where did the constitution get ITS legislative power? i know, you're not supposed to look this deep into it. and second of all if congress has the only legislative power how is it that the president - who is not congress - has his own bucket of "executive orders" to draw edicts out of? you'll notice we're only two sentences-in. and the constitution is a thousand sentences long. you wonder why you're arguing politics morning noon and night. because its a morass of seaweed and diarrhea you're actually supposed to pay attention to. for some reason.

Friday, September 23, 2016

God, Jesus, and You

god created israel to wean humanity away from human government and to create individual liberty. jesus came to the remnant of israel - the jews - to wean humanity away from human government and to create individual liberty. between the american defeat of england and the implementation of the constitution, the efforts of god and jesus were achieved for the first time in human history. that freedom lasted 12 years. the constitution is actually a declaration of war against god and jesus. and its not accidental. its a legalistic declaration of the servitude of you to a collection of loafers who have opted to order you around and who you have opted to admire and respect. like idiotic Stockholm Syndrome victims. thank you. fuck you.

Friday, September 2, 2016

The Second Amendment

   The Second Amendment has never actually been "enforced." The day that the first weapon in the hands of the government military that was forbidden to the citizenry, that was the day the Second Amendment was successfully ignored and basically rendered void, and which continues to this day. Americans running around with their "assault weapons" and their pistols and rifles are no match for the Pentagon's war machine. So if the American military decides that the American citizenry is the enemy - which can easily happen if the military is filled with illegal aliens and / or Muslims - the American citizenry can pretty much kiss theier "assault weapons" and their pistolsd and their rifles o, and their asses, goodbye.

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Confederate Flag

   Lately the Confederate flag has come under fire for being a banner of slavery. However the real purpose of the Civil War was to take slavery out of the hands of private owners and put it exclusively into the hands of government. As the 13th Amendment clearly and briefly states. So the American flag is also a flag of slavery. Since we're all being so righteous here.

Monday, June 27, 2016

A Second Amendment Point of Info If I May

the second amendment has a diabolical aspect that i am sure the creators of it never imagined it contained. i'll give them that. assuming we interpret it as the permission to own firearms, firearms are the only items of personal property the entire constitution allows you to have. as a result, the second amendment has received more attention than any other part of the constitution, half of it from the government which is forever trying to neutralize it and the other half from the citizenry who give it their full attention. meanwhile all other items of property are routinely confiscated and it is considered just the normal business of government's attempt to "protect the people." at some point the only things the citizens will have are their weapons. probably with nothing to shoot out of them since ammunition is not protected by the second amendment.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Constitutional Remark of the Day

rush limbaugh was just saying that the presidency is an attractive goal more than ever now because obama has elevated its power status by ignoring the constitution. which tells me - but apparently doesnt tell anyone else - that the constitution is basically useless and powerless against a negro muslim commie homosexual unemployable asshole. so why is anyone in their right mind saying things like "we have to defend and preserve the constitution"? what, we need it so that it can be ignored? you dont need something that can be ignored. unless youre retarded. then you might need such a thing. cause reetards aleways need things normal people just ignore. like, you know, their dolly. or their blanky.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Aphorism Of The Day

the purpose of the constitution is not to safeguard you from the government. its to safeguard the government from you. "we the people" is not you. it's the feds. within the 5000 words are a few bones thrown your way. the rest is a huge succulent carcass of warm steaming barbeque for bureaucrats.____me

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Masons, The Constitution, and Conspiracies

     If you read the Constitution and you don't fall asleep, you will notice that the iteration endlessly of this and that and put this here and put that there and five days must pass before the cock crows and the swallows will retun thus and hence and the quadrilateral election of the bicameral housemaids must not coenside with the bifurcation of the empastulatur until the 6th day of every 4th month and holy mother fucking shit. And if you read about Freemasonry at all you will learn that their rules and rituals and lists of things proper and not proper.....they're a lot like the Constitution! The difference being you dont have to be under the rules of Freemasonry unless you want to. Why you have to be under the rules of the Constitution, I dunno. That is something I have never discovered, why that is. I guess the reason is because they say so: "they" being the officer who ultimately puts the handcuffs on you and takes you off to a concrete bunker there to live out your life. Under Masonry this never happens. Under the Constitution it's practically the norm.
     People are fond of insisting that Freemasonry - which you dont have to join - is a vast networking conspiracy to "take over the world." These same people insist that the Constitution - which actually is a vast networking conspiracy to take over the world - they insist its a noble document guaranteeing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, even though this phrase is found in another document not remotely related to the Constitution.
     What the Constitution and Freemasonry do have in common however is meaningless rules that serve absolutely no purpose other than to confuse and bewilder the Learner of the Rules into thinking he is a superior being. When you learn the rules of the road and how to dont go through any of this bullshit: you learn the rules and then you go driving. Freemasonry rules and Constitutional rules however serve no actually purpose: you dont know any more after you learn them than you did before you learned them. However yo do learn that the rules of the Constitution WILL eventually get you either into jail or into the poorhouse.

Friday, March 25, 2016

A Reading Comprehension Moment

below is the 4th amendment. for some reason americans not in the legal profession - which is most of them - think that this protects them against searches and seizures - or confiscations - or theft - or taking what does not belong to you, to put it into normal language. actually, if you read it - which you might consider doing as it is printed below and its very very short - actually what it does is authorize searches and seizures. how authorizing searches and seizures can be interpreted by Right Wing Patriotic Flag-Waving God-Fearing White Americans as PROTECTING THEM AGAINST searches and seizures....well, i have no explanation other than when mexicans call us "stupid white boy" - which they relentlessly do - they MIGHT be right.
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Merrick Garland

merrick garland says he is devoted to the constitution. well he should be, it's paying his salary. you'll never hear a supreme court justice ever advocating shitcanning the thing. they'd be out of a fucking job; the constitution made supreme court judges possible. its a great life. they cant even get fired. of course they are devoted to it and preserving it and doing all the things the conservatives insist are not happening. liberal bureaucrats worship the fucking constitution. it's their ship, and its always coming in. so i dont know what the fucking conservatives are yapping about with their "we need to return to the constitution" crap. fucking idiots. we're neck-deep in the thing.

The Mind of the Conservative

conservatives want to "defend the constitution" until a decision regarding it - made by people created by the constitution - doesnt go their way. even though 99% of the conservatives are not constitutional lawyers and havent even read the thing, they are all constitutional experts and the constitution is supposed to "go a certain way." and the way its supposed to go is any way - apparently - but the way its going. they also want to "return" to "limited government" even though we have never had limited government: the constitution - which the conservatives want to return to - created an unlimited government. there is no such thing as a limited government. the constitution makes it real clear that it's power is monopolistic and vast and unlimited. any "limits" it has announced here and there have all been summarily ignored or gone around. because you cant limit something that has a legal a monopoly on something called "coercion." if you try to limit it it will coerce you into stopping. one way or another. however conservatives - like voodoo children - are convinced the constitution is a benign magical piece of heavenly brilliance which exists in a pure unsulllied state which has been besmirched by Liberals. no: its being OPERATED by liberals. Liberals love the existing constitution. conservatives love some non-existent constitution. this is why conservatives are not running things. they cant read.

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Constitution And Sharia: Buttbuddies Everlasting

there's a reason why muslims praise the constitution: they recognize its parent and eventual replacement: sharia. the difference between the constitution's litany of edicts and conditions and endless rules and OCD thises-and-thats and mohammed's litany of edicts and conditions and endless rules and OCD thises and thats is that the constitution had no camels in the room when it was assembled.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Constitution vs The Bible

    You read the title, I presume. But this is not going to be what you probably expect. I merely want to show a fundamental difference regarding the intended audience of the two....let's call them "documents."
     The Bible was written for you. It's purpose is to show show you where you stand in the grand scheme of things and explains in thousand years of recorded history what God is doing on your behalf.
     The Constitution was written for people in government. It was not written for you. It has nothing to do with you.
     The Bible has everything to do with you. God did this, God did that, culminating in Jesus who did such and such so that you could be free.
     The Constitution was written so that those in government can know their limits and their boundaries regarding their controlling of you. Before the Constitution was adopted you (the Americans alive at the time) were free. The Constitution then controlled them. And gave the parameters allowed to the controllers in their control.
     The Bible began with you under control already. Your master was Satan - by Nature, because of something called "genetics" because of actions taken by your prototypes, Adam and Eve and God intervened slowly, gradually, to wean humanity, slowly, gradually, via one group of people, Israelites, to ready things for Jesus. Jesus then set you free. On his own. By his job performance. You are now free. Whether you realize it or not. Which you probably don't.
    So, the Bible takes you from control to freedom.
    The Constution takes you from freedom - Americans were free after the Revolutionary War -  and placed you under control. Of the government. The government was created by the Constitution. If you read it it's pretty clear all it's instructions are for bureaucrats on how to control you.
     This is not complicated. Except to a Conservative.
    Now my purpose here is not to say the Bible is true of false. My purpose is to explain how the Bible and the Constitution are diametrically opposed. Period.
     Thank you. Oh, and fuck you. Thank you.

Confusing Conservatives cont.

    Since it dawned on me in a flash of insight while trying to knock some sense into a Conservative that the Constitution was written for people who have to deal with the Constitution and not for you, I have to say I have been in a bit of a trance ever since wondering why I am apparently the American to see this. The only answer I can come up with is it happened because I am the most American American in America. That doesnt mean the other Americans, and you know who you are, are not Very American. No. All it means is that I have reached Perfection stage, is all. I am the Nirvana American. I am the Fully Realized American. That's all. And, no, I am not getting all puffed up about this, in fact it's kind of frustrating. I do not want to be alone here. I want all the other American Americans to be here with me. But (sniff) perhaps that is not to be. But not from my lack of trying to make it otherwise. I assure you. I will never give up. I am, after all, an American. Thank you. And fuck you all very much, and I really mean that, thank you.

A Book Review

I wrote a review on Amazon of a book "The Frozen Republic" - a book that makes a case for altering the constitution. altering it. not getting rid of it.

Customer Review

3.0 out of 5 stars The Constitution RewriteMarch 10, 2016
This review is from: The Frozen Republic: How the Constitution Is Paralyzing Democracy (Paperback)
The Frozen Republic - which I enthusiastically picked up because I thought it was a Star Wars novel about an ice-bound planet - turned out to be an exhaustingly detailed report on the various utterances, opinions, statements, thoughts, desires, wishes, actions and consequences thereof of damn near every bureaucrat who ever cashed an American paycheck.
The justification of all this is to drive home the notion that the Constitution doesnt work.
Any writer who signs his name to such a premise has my admiration for courage.
My admiration, and my stamina, flagged, however, as I went from page to mind-numbing page in a long winding journey through American history. A history, in the view of the historian, created by bureaucrats. Not by normal people who are stuck with obeying bureaucrats. History is, after all, the history of the collective and the governments ordering each collective around.
My experience has been that when dealing with the premises of a collectivist - which everyone seems to be - you are never going to get to a solution to whatever particular problem the collectivist is having a problem with.
Moving along here, the solution offered to solve the problem of the failed Constitution is to change the Constitution. Not get rid of it, but rewrite it; probably by bureaucrats now living rather than the original bureaucrats who wrote the one we have now, since they are dead. Even so, despite being deceased, they could not write a worse one now - the Founding Fathers - than they did originally when they were alive. In my opinion. Perhaps the author himself has created a rough draft of a new Constitution, I suspect he is certainly up to it, and maybe that would be the one to get the job done, whatever the job is that needs to be done, which, apparently, is create a different Constitution. Every nation now seems to have one, thanks to us, and I think all would agree they are all doing very very well and they are all tons of fun to visit. Maybe we could use one of theirs.
If the book accomplishes anything, it presents a strong, lengthy, ongoing, relentless, almost enthusiastically infinite litany of times when the original words of the Constitution were interpreted or ignored to get resolved some particular political collectivist "problem." Which, as I mentioned earlier, cannot be solved by collectivism. So, therefore, if you are one of those people - a Conservative - who thinks the Constitution is Holy Writ rather than the badly-written juggernaut of edicts and commands and directives and proclamations that it actually might have your faith shaken. However if you are a Conservative you will have thrown this book into the fire long long long before you finish reading it. Because to you the Constitution - which you likely have never read - and with good reason! - is a magical deity of ink on parchment written by experts in good standing in the creation of nations with tons of experience at it before they created the United States of America out of thin air.
What the author fails to realize - I'm guessing - is that the Constitution was not written for you. It was written for the bureaucrats it was creating. They deal with it, they operate under it, they were created by's for them. Not you. the "We the people" mentioned in the opening edict are the three dozen or so bureaucrats who signed it. You are not one of them. Hold on, let me check, I could be lying. Nope, you're not there. Since it is written for people whose jobs were created by it...they all seem to be doing rather well by the Constitution, and very few of them have experienced a lack of job security, no matter how the Constitution gets interpreted by the interpreters and judged by the judges. Why change it?
Well, unless I misread the author it needs to be changed so that there can be more "democracy. "Democracy," like "constitution" is a sacred word that does not have a bad connotation within it. Democracy, like constitutions, are inherently good by definition. To a collectivist, collectivism works best when the entire collective is somehow involved down to a man. In other words, we are put here on earth to be political beings in a swarm. Not individuals trying to live life as comfortably as possible with stuff. Stuff never created by bureaucrats but by "stuff makers." Needless to say Capitalism is not discussed. Capitalists are not elected. Nor are they mentioned in the Constitution. Only bureaucrats are mentioned in the Constitution.
If you love government and think it should be magically run by The Entire Population Directly rather than by "representatives," this is the book for you. It will guide you on your way to a better and more effective magical Constitution than the Magical Constitution created oh so long ago. You see, we're better at constitution-writing than we were. Constitution writing has advanced over the centuries. We could create a really good one now. And lord knows you can't live without one. The sky would fall and you? would turn into a rampaging looter and murderer without one. Assuming you lived through the falling sky incident

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

How To Baffle A Conservative

    Conservatives are the ones who complain that the Constitution is being ignored, overridden, debauched, slighted, hacked-away....a million things are being done to it that are "not right." Whenever a law comes into being from out of the vapor that they don't like...someone is playing around with the Constitution. Keep in mind that these are people who have never so much as read the Constitution. But they somehow know that it is being fucked with. How do they know this?....because they are Conservatives. Conservatives are defined as the people who say the Constitution is being fucked with. Who is fucking with it?....people who have actually read it: bureaucrats. The people who have read it and actually know what it says are the ones fucking with it. Now, the bureaucrat might say to the Conservative "I am not fucking with it. I am working within it's confines and parameters and allowances and directions." The Conservative - who has never held office or gone to law school or worked in the public bureaucratic sector or even read the Constitution will insist that, no, "You, Senyore Bureaucrat, are fucking with it."
    Now, I am not a bureaucrat. But if I was, I would say to the Conservative at this point, "The Constitution was written for me: not for you. I have to work with it. I have to interpret it. I have to implement it. You on the other hand don't do anything with the Constitution except defend it. Even though you don't know what it says. If you opened it up and read it and it said "I fucked your mom" you would defend it. Because it's the Constitution. You don't really care what it says because you are going to defend it no matter what it says. Which is fine. But I have to work with it. So fuck you. Leave me alone, and quit whining about something you do not understand and are too lazy to actually personally investigate. Asshole." This is what I would say to a Conservative if I was a bureaucrat. In fact is, I am not a bureaucrat and I already say a lot of it to the sons o' bitches.
   The bureaucrat of course would be right: the Constitution was not written for you. It was written for office holders and judges and cops and aldermen, whatever those are, and lawyers and justices of the peace and clerks at the hall of records and anyone else who can tell a cop to arrest you and the cop won't even bother to ask them why. Because they are buds and allies. And they know it. These are the people the Constitution was written for because it CREATED them. The Constitution did not create you. It created your masters. That is why these public sector jobs are so coveted: because the people in them are protected by the Constitution because the Constitution brought them into being. And if they can rewrite it and you will nonetheless keep defending it no matter how much they rewrite it and tweak it - or even if they dont - you will defend the Constitution and spend all your yelling on the people the Constitution brought into being. So in other words you are defending a deity. Made of paper. Basically.
    In the Christian universe this is called paganism.
    Good job, heathen. We need more of you morons.