Saturday, January 25, 2014

Dealing With The Idiot Right Wing

   I made a peripheral remark about the Constitution on a biker blog today. And I think I also remarked that the Declaration of Independence had a lot of false assumptions in it. And that it was more a declaration of war than of independence. And that it was addressed to England not to us. And that if the writer was to come back to America today he would find his "outrageous acts" and "intolerable conditions" nothing like what Americans are putting up with now under the government that replaced England's. Well. One of the more literate denizens of the site said why don't I move if I don't like it here. And this was followed by a long stupid lecture about why I am "just like those anti-gun nuts." Talk about a dipshit. I should mention this astoundingly unastute glob of confusion makes a ton of comments on this site, all of which have a sort of tone more of dominion than of information. So anyway the Dominatrakon tells me I should move if I have a problem with the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. I said ok let me see if I have this straight: i have a problem with something that is not you: and you are telling me that therefore I should move. I have a problem over here in this corner: and you, way over there in that corner - who has nothing at all to do with my problem over here in this corner - you are telling me that I should move to another country. I said why is it I am not telling you to move?….you tell me to move, I tell you to move, what difference does it make, shall we flip for it? I also said if it was up to me I don't really care if he moves or not. In fact if I am such a problem for him maybe he should be the one to move. I said "Why does the Right Wing Idiot always get to be the one who doesn't have to move? I would think considering the damage being done to the gene pool by you oafs that you would all volunteer to move regardless of my opinions on the Consitution and the Declaration of Independence." None of this has seemed to energize him into a response as yet. It is not likely he has any idea what I am even talking about. If I have not immediately moved I don't suppose he is going to consider me a legitimate entity. Because if I have not obeyed him then I must not exist because up to now he has always gotten obedience: everyone he has told to move has actually moved. And I have not. Therefore I must be an illusion. I tell ya, dealing with the Right will either drive you nuts or else it will convince you you are a genius.
   There is also an interesting sidelight to this - even though the Right Winger tells people to move - they never actually do. Not once has this solution to things ever been carried out. Not once. And yet the Right Winger will nonetheless keep offering this up as a way to fix the matter. It is apparently their only weapon in their arsenal: an eternally-ignored suggestion. You would think that sooner or later two or more of them would put their heads together and admit "This telling people to move ain't workin'. We need to try something else." But nope. "Hey, if you don't like it here why don't you move!" And you say "But I never said I didn't like it here. Don't you mean 'Hey, if you don't like the Constitution why don't you move.'?" That would at least make some sense insofar as the discussion is concerned. Somewhat. Maybe. Also if I had originally said "I don't like it here" that would be a good reason to suggest moving. "Well, hey, if you don't like it here why don't you move?" See?….it makes some sense, that response. It's the proper reponse to "I don't like it here." It's not the proper response to "I don't like the Constitution." "Well, if you don't like it here why don't you move." See? It's the wrong response.  But it's like talking to people who are highly invested in van&storage and transportation stocks: they can only see packing-up and moving as an answer to problems. The problems being, apparently, criticism of something that does not even include them themselves. It's a wonder the Right even exists in such numbers, based on their ease of confusion. How do they manage to breed? "Honey? I think it's time we began a family and had children." "Hey, bitch, if you want children why don't you move?"

Friday, January 17, 2014

Presumed Arrested Until Declared Not Guilty


   The bleated ape-call of the average American Idiot White Man is that "you are presumed innocent until proven guilty." These people are very very very adamant about this. These people - even if they are not remotely involved in government chores and tasks and paperwork and stealing time on the time-clock - will get very very angry if you - before the jury has rendered a verdict - if you declare "guilty" or "not guilty" on someone heading for trial or already on trial. These people do not want you having an opinion on someone else's culpability in a legal matter, especially if it's a capital crime. "We don't know, we weren't there, we have to give him his day in court. We have to ASSUME he is innocent."
   Meanwhile the fucker's in jail. Someone thinks he's guilty.
   There is nothing in the constitution regarding the presumption of innocence. Most of the "rights" in the bill of rights have to do with you getting arrested: what needs to happen before you are arrested and what may or may not happen after you are arrested. The preumption of innocence anywhere at all in the constitution is a needle you can hunt for if you want to, but I left that foolish search long ago.
   It's basically - the assumption of innocence until proven guilty or words to that effect, or attitude to that effect, or unicorn to that effect - it's basically a tradition that came from, I believe, ancient ancient ancient ancient Rome. Washington DC does a lot of things ancient Rome did, including but not limited to architectural design, because……actually I have no idea why DC imitates Rome. Probably it's because modern bureaucrats revere ancient bureaucrats since they both are like kin-assholes separated only by time. The kinship of assholeship, a thicker bond than the bond of blood and a species that never varies or undergoes alteration or mutation down through the epochs of time.
   The presumption of innocence, not being actually articulated anywhere in the constitution is, then, basically a custom. It's the custom in American jurisprudence and cracker barrel blathering, both of which are synonymous, to say the arrested guy locked up in a concrete cell is presumed innocent until the jury comes back and says he is not innocent anymore he is guilty. What the imprisoned innocent man thinks about all this "assuming" is never considered by anyone. He is the least important person in the debate.
   Where this is all going is, "innocent until proven guilty"is merely a saying. It's a saying that those involved in the arrest and incarceration of the people paying them permit to persist since it does no real harm: it's not anything defined in the legalese and in fact it is completely facetious: if you are arrested then you are guilty as far as the arresting officers and the people at the jail and the guy who schedules trials is concerned. If the idiot general public - and this would be you, sir - want to go around blubbering "He's innocent until proven guilty, goddammit!" that's fine, you go right ahead, you just keep saying that proudly while we in the various departments of "justice" smile and laugh at you quietly amongst ourselves.
   Also, regarding this "until proven innocent" business……defendants are never proven innocent or proven guilty. They are pronounced innocent or pronounced guilty. Reality and facts are not an issue. And this is not sarcasm, what I am now saying here, it's just a truth. A simple truth. Guilt and innocence is never an issue for the Law. Only a pronouncement or a declaration of either by someone authorized to make such a declaration. And it is not you, usually. Even though you might have shouted "Innocent until proven guilty!" a thousand times through a megaphone. As far as the law is concerned he is neither innocent or guilty, he is just arrested or released. Guilt or innocence is not a factor. He is either in jail, or temporarily in abeyance due to having paid a time-purchase called a "ransom," or he is "free" to be arrested later for a different reason. Not the same reason. A different one. And there are thousands, maybe millions of things you as an American can do that can legally result in your arrest.
    To review, "you are presumed innocent until proven guilty" is not a constitutional edict. It is a - I dont want to say a wives tale - it is an urban myth. Giving it a maximum of courtesy, it is a useful misleading custom that is encouraged by the State.  Like most thing Americans think are constitutional and aren't, this is one of them.
   Feeling stupid yet? You read this entire blog, you will. For one reason or another. And that's its magic!

Your Right To Remain Silent

    Probably the most revered and cherished right granted to you by the Constitution is your spirit-elevating right to remain silent while you are being kidnapped by armed strangers and taken to a detention center within a concrete bunker that has one door made out of steel bars and several other inhabitants, probably very likely deranged. Not only do you have a Constitutional right not to utter any sounds while all this is happening to you against your will, it is by far the most redoubted and publicized right of all the arrest rights granted to you by the Constitution.
   This is due to someone named Miranda.
   Miranda apparently once got arrested and was not informed that he could endure his Constitutional right to be arrested without actually saying anything. It apparently happened that while he was having his life upended by strangers with guns he made noise! What the noises were are not recorded in any of the research items I have examined but I would suspect that they were vocal noises, either screams of terror or hollered objections, or maybe even the answering of questions by the kidnappers in police uniforms.
   This was so odd and bizarre a reaction, apparently, him making noises or sounds, that the incident went all the way to the Supreme Court, a Constitutional creation created by itself consisting of nine dull-witted idiots whose sole job for the rest of their lives is to ponder and contemplate whether this or that is "Constitutional." They can't be fired. No matter how stupid they are at this job. They also enter the job with no experience deciding on the Constitutionality of things. They could have been janitors prior to stepping into the "Is This Constitutional?" job. One good thing about the job, though, is they can never be "wrong." Whatever they decide is always the right decision. Because their decisions cannot be overruled by anyone. They overrule all other peoples' decisions. So that's a good job to have: you have it for life, you don't need experience, and you can't err. It's great. And it's Constitutional besides. It's almost a perfect job, maybe the only perfect job in the universe, except for Yahweh's.
   Miranda's right to endure the most traumatic, life-destroying, frightful, humiliating, dehumanizing, ruinous experience available under the Constitution, the right to be arrested -  his right to experience this right quietly is so vast and sweeping a right and one so filled with virtue that it is mentioned three hundred thousand times a day on television police dramas. "You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent." I am experience a flowing of tears right now just writing it. These are words we all know and have come to cherish as we do the national anthem, the pledge of allegiance, the throwing of the first baseball and our first piece of ass not from a blood relative.
   Being permitted not to make any sounds while your life is being upended forever is something 9 people who cannot be fired and who are all in the throes of either Alzheimers or suffering a basic confusion as to what sex they are spent months coming to a conclusion about. And we have the Constitution to thank for it.
footnote to all this: At some point someone is going to interject "You know, you are really twisting things: Miranda was not about having the right to remain silent; it was about your right to be told you have the right to remain silent." And this interjecting person will be actually correct. And isn't that what makes the Miranda Ruling so fantastic?….you get to be actually informed prior to being dragged away that you can remain silent if you like and that your objections, should you decide to start verbally objecting, can….if the court you are eventually someday going to appear in so decides….be interpreted as "resisting arrest" in a legal sense, which could add additional time to your incarceration during the time you are considered innocent until proven guilty while you are in jail.
   So, yeah, you're right.


The Constitution Eradicates All Your Actual Rights

   Regarding the title, above, of this post, the Right, and the Conservatives, and probably the Libertarians, even though one never really knows what the Libertarians actually really think, since they seem to only have opinions about specific issues, except for foreign policy, and regarding the Constitution itself?... I, for one, have never heard them mention it at all ……. regarding the above title, I suspect not one of them would agree with it. As for the Left, a few of the more cunning ones would agree with it completely since none of them have a problem with the Constitution, only with how it is "interpreted."
   The Constitution makes it clear from almost every sentence in it that your life, liberty, and your pursuit of happiness is only a remark made in the Declaration of Independence, which is a letter to King George. These three things are never mentioned in the Constitution, however. It's not an accident. Because they are dissolved by the Constitution. Your life is not your own, it is the governments', your liberty is in every manner of restraint imaginable, and your pursuit of happiness is more regulated than a zoo animal's.
   You have one actual right in Nature - and Nature is the only dispenser of rights, not dead Anglophiles yearning for Merry Old England - and that is your right to your stuff. This is usually determined by a receipt. But it is also determined by mere agreement between you and whoever you got your stuff from. You are also your own property. You can do with yourself what you want. In reality. But not under the Constitution -  a proclamation that laughs at that notion over and over, all the way through it, for 8000 words of constricting wet ropes made out of enthusiastic anacondas and pythons.
   Thanks to the Constitution you can never really own anything. You have no property rights under the Constitution. It can all be confiscated legally by the State or States or counties or cities or by one cop, or - as is usually the case with the more acquiescent citizens - one or another taxing agency. You never own your car if you have to register it every year, you never own your house if the property taxes arent paid every year, you certainly don't own your children, they have to be sent away to State Indoctrination during their most indoctrinate-able years or they can be confiscated - which is why you reading this, assuming you can read, are now an idiot, because you likely actually attended school -  and your life can be imprisoned by something called "society" or as they put it in court "the people." Which means the people in the court. And usually just one person. A cop of some sort. There's no "people" involved in dragging you off. Just one or a couple of uniformed dolts with blank expressions. And in time of war, thanks to something called "selective service" - where you get selected to fight mortal combat with strangers even if you dont want to - you can be "drafted." Same as Assyrian citizens were.
   Under the Constitution, therefore all your real rights are dissolved and instead you are given "Constitutional rights." Most of which you cannot exercise until you are arrested.
   This entire state of affairs created by the Constitution is not something you should be "proud" to live under. This is something you should be staying up nights worrying about.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hillsdale College: Constitution Central

    Hillsdale College is a college that features as one of its main support pillars a somethingorother involving the Constitution. I don't know what it is exactly, but the Constitution is something they either teach, or worship, or explain, or give courses about, or read at bedtime, or write hymns around, or use in crossword puzzles, or give degrees in, or something. Whatever they do regarding the Constitution they make a point of announcing that it does it here at this college.
   You have to really wonder how stupid the students must be at this college that they need an entire curriculum devoted to understanding an 8,000 word proclamation of how the proclamation is going to fuck up their whole lives. All you have to do is read it and you can see it pretty clearly. If you need someone with a degree in political science to explain it to you then you shouldn't even be in college because you will never get a job whether you go to college or not, you're too stupid.
   Hillsdale college is one of the sponsors of Rush Limbaugh's radio show and he does the spots personally. He emphasizes the fact that the Constitution can be taught to you via the college whether or not you attend. You can pay to learn the Constitution. Why read it for an hour when you can pay hundreds or thousands or whatever the fuck you pay to have it taught to you by a separate person! Who knows what the fuck it costs to have your personal laziness and uselessness accommodated by another, prices are never mentioned. All that is mentioned is how great the Constitution is and by learning about it from Hillsdale College its greatness will be magnified, much as Mary's soul was magnified when she learned she was pregnant with and by God.

8160 Words To Die By


   The Constitution is 8000 words long. The Declaration of Independence is 1300 words long. The Declaration of Independence can be read in 5 minutes, ten minutes if you really need to focus and take it all in and try to imagine the circumstances that caused it to get written in the first place. It's interesting that its list of grievances is very similar to what people are complaining about today regarding DC. When i was a child the list of grievances was a list of horrors alien to the American experience. Not any more.
   Reading the Constitution would take about a half hour to an hour, assuming you could read it because it is without a doubt the most boring piece of blathering faggotty shit ever composed. I mean, really, it's a fucking relentless ongoing yakfest that makes The View seem like a gathering of philosophers from Athens. Right Wingers make preposterous fools of themselves when they tell Left Wingers - or anyone else with even a modicum of awareness - that they yearn to "return to the Constitution" and that "we need to get back to the principles laid down in the Constitution" and that things will straighten themselves out "once we return to the values of our Founding Fathers when they created the Constitution" and that things will be sunny and bright "if we but were to beg forgiveness from God and humbly return to the basic and simple virtues so beautifully laid out in the Constitution"………and it goes on and on and on and on forever, each new turn of phrase more sanguine and vapid than the one preceding. You KNOW none of these fucking annoying cloying idiots on the Right have ever actually read the Constitution, oh dear, that would involve actually finding out what I am talking about, oh dear, I can't do that, I can't sit down and actually read the thing, for one thing I am not that gooduvva reader, actually, you see I am dyslexic oh and another thing I cannot concentrate because I have ADD or whatever it is and um oh yeah i'm too busy, unlike the Left I am not living on welfare I have an actual job I have to get to so if you will excuse me, Mr Commie Agitator….
   And off they go to get some fries.
   One of the things I do on Facebook - which I use as a global notebook of various notions and ways of looking at things that pop into my head - one of the things I do, after some Right Winger….. (you need to understand that Right Wingers always think I am "one of them" because I come off like Hitler half the time, who I regard as a mega-talented genius, for not only destruction, but in getting everyone he ever meet or addressed to enthusiastically join him in it! This to me is very able-bodied individual. It is natural then that me and Senyore Hitler would have a few things in common, albeit with some subtle differences: where I will badmouth and ridicule Jews Hitler executed them)…….one of the things I do on Facebook….. ( Right Wingers never bother to inquire of me if I would execute Jews. They just assume I would. I suspect. It's hard to really probe the mind of a Right Winger because the parts of it that are not leaden adamantine frozen cobalt ingots are wisps of cigarette smoke. You hit armor and you hit vapor wherever you go inside a Right Wing head)… of the things I do on Facebook after some Right Winger blurts "That fucking Obama and the Democrats! We need to return to the Constitution, god damnit and save our Nation!"…after he blurts this I will ask, peacefully and casually, "What part of the Constitution is it that we need to return to specifically? 'Cause I want to get on board. Where do I begin?" I never get a response to this.
   Good luck ever managing to get such a critter as a Right Winger to ever even read the Constitution so that he will at least have some idea of what he is talking about, and defending about, and arguing about, while spraying and spitting beer 'n' burger all over you. Goo lock weet dat my pren!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Constitutional Insight of the Day


   The Constitutional insight of the day actually happened a few days ago, not today. It was on Facebook. Yes, Facebook, where discoveries flourish. I posted "The Revolutionary War was fought by Americans. The United States was created by bureaucrats."
   And right there, inside those words somewhere is the insight. Did you see it? Did you see the insight? I will show you the insight in case you didn't see it: the Founding Fathers were bureaucrats. They weren't fathers. And they certainly didn't founded anything. They copied England. They just changed the name of the king and made him elected instead of born. That is not progress. That is copying. Calling the Founding Bureaucrats the Founding Fathers is like calling Druids "The Elders." They're still just people with no toilets or hot water or lights. They're not Elders. They're just "the old men who live with us." Which in Druid times "old man" came at about age 34. A 34 year old living in a lean-to and shitting into a ditch is not an elder. And a Druid descendent replacing a chant with a Constitution (I'm actually surprised it's not put to hymn music and sung in Congress) is not a Father. He's a blowhard bureaucrat pretending he knows what's good for you, writes it all out on paper and then insists that "We the people" includes you. Signed by him. Not by you. Why you are bound by someone else's agreement with himself is a mystery that has never been explained. Or even brought up, apparently. It's never up for discussion: why your signature is not on the Constitution. Theirs are. Why are the founding bureaucrats your agents arbitrating your sovereignty without you being involved? Because Constitutions are "sacred" documents deemed only create-able by The Elders. "We have given you a Republic. Let's see if you can keep it." Hey, who asked for it? You keep it. What even is one? Well, it turns out a Republic is something called a Republic. And that orders you around. Created by bureaucrats. America's first. And their progeny - of which you are still not one of - are doing it today, still. Meanwhile you - for some reason - are whining that "they are not following the Constitution." So what. Why should they? The founding fathers didn't follow it when they created it, and that was not a problem for you. So what if they don't follow it - or even do follow it? What difference does it make? If they follow it or if they don't you still are not involved. Or haven't you noticed.

Friday, January 10, 2014

2014, the Constitution, And You. Meaning me, Since No One Actually Reads This

   2014 starts another new year of Right Wingers railing against the reluctance of the Left to "follow the Constitution." It never occurs to the Right Wingers, since very little occurs to the Right Wingers besides yelling and threatening, that the Left actually is following the Constitution. This notion is so impossible to install into the Right Winged head that even boring holes and using blasting caps and explosives will not allow the idea entrance. This astounding fact is compounded by your never getting any feedback from a Right Winger as to why he is so enamored of the preposterous document he thinks is so very very wondrous. You never will get any feedback. A Right Winger knows as much about the Constitution he is defending with his life, on occasion, as he knows about doing housework: which is "the Constitution is what makes our country great, and men don't do housework." They might also add "or dance," at least if they're white.
   Now NEE GROWS, it should be pointed out, don't even know what the Constitution even is. It's just something that politicians and Right Wingers mention during political discussions. What this actually means in real life is that at least negroes won't threaten your life if you say it's worthless. They'll most likely say, in fact, while making their heads go sideways back and forth like an Egyptian "Yeah, well, Ah awreddy knows DAT!" In fact, if you try - and you are a Right Winger - to educate a negro about the Constitution and say "The Constitution is what gives you your rights" the negro will say "Ah awreddy knows mah RIGHTS, hoe-nkey. Ah donts needs no Constitution to tell me mah rights!"
   Which is actually a very insightful remark. Even though the negro doesn't realize it. But even so he is way closer to being knowledgeable about the Constitution than the Right Winger without even knowing what he is saying. He is accidentally saying something accurate. Something a Right Winger never does, accidentally or on purpose.