Saturday, January 25, 2014

Dealing With The Idiot Right Wing

   I made a peripheral remark about the Constitution on a biker blog today. And I think I also remarked that the Declaration of Independence had a lot of false assumptions in it. And that it was more a declaration of war than of independence. And that it was addressed to England not to us. And that if the writer was to come back to America today he would find his "outrageous acts" and "intolerable conditions" nothing like what Americans are putting up with now under the government that replaced England's. Well. One of the more literate denizens of the site said why don't I move if I don't like it here. And this was followed by a long stupid lecture about why I am "just like those anti-gun nuts." Talk about a dipshit. I should mention this astoundingly unastute glob of confusion makes a ton of comments on this site, all of which have a sort of tone more of dominion than of information. So anyway the Dominatrakon tells me I should move if I have a problem with the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. I said ok let me see if I have this straight: i have a problem with something that is not you: and you are telling me that therefore I should move. I have a problem over here in this corner: and you, way over there in that corner - who has nothing at all to do with my problem over here in this corner - you are telling me that I should move to another country. I said why is it I am not telling you to move?….you tell me to move, I tell you to move, what difference does it make, shall we flip for it? I also said if it was up to me I don't really care if he moves or not. In fact if I am such a problem for him maybe he should be the one to move. I said "Why does the Right Wing Idiot always get to be the one who doesn't have to move? I would think considering the damage being done to the gene pool by you oafs that you would all volunteer to move regardless of my opinions on the Consitution and the Declaration of Independence." None of this has seemed to energize him into a response as yet. It is not likely he has any idea what I am even talking about. If I have not immediately moved I don't suppose he is going to consider me a legitimate entity. Because if I have not obeyed him then I must not exist because up to now he has always gotten obedience: everyone he has told to move has actually moved. And I have not. Therefore I must be an illusion. I tell ya, dealing with the Right will either drive you nuts or else it will convince you you are a genius.
   There is also an interesting sidelight to this - even though the Right Winger tells people to move - they never actually do. Not once has this solution to things ever been carried out. Not once. And yet the Right Winger will nonetheless keep offering this up as a way to fix the matter. It is apparently their only weapon in their arsenal: an eternally-ignored suggestion. You would think that sooner or later two or more of them would put their heads together and admit "This telling people to move ain't workin'. We need to try something else." But nope. "Hey, if you don't like it here why don't you move!" And you say "But I never said I didn't like it here. Don't you mean 'Hey, if you don't like the Constitution why don't you move.'?" That would at least make some sense insofar as the discussion is concerned. Somewhat. Maybe. Also if I had originally said "I don't like it here" that would be a good reason to suggest moving. "Well, hey, if you don't like it here why don't you move?" See?….it makes some sense, that response. It's the proper reponse to "I don't like it here." It's not the proper response to "I don't like the Constitution." "Well, if you don't like it here why don't you move." See? It's the wrong response.  But it's like talking to people who are highly invested in van&storage and transportation stocks: they can only see packing-up and moving as an answer to problems. The problems being, apparently, criticism of something that does not even include them themselves. It's a wonder the Right even exists in such numbers, based on their ease of confusion. How do they manage to breed? "Honey? I think it's time we began a family and had children." "Hey, bitch, if you want children why don't you move?"

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