Friday, January 10, 2014

2014, the Constitution, And You. Meaning me, Since No One Actually Reads This

   2014 starts another new year of Right Wingers railing against the reluctance of the Left to "follow the Constitution." It never occurs to the Right Wingers, since very little occurs to the Right Wingers besides yelling and threatening, that the Left actually is following the Constitution. This notion is so impossible to install into the Right Winged head that even boring holes and using blasting caps and explosives will not allow the idea entrance. This astounding fact is compounded by your never getting any feedback from a Right Winger as to why he is so enamored of the preposterous document he thinks is so very very wondrous. You never will get any feedback. A Right Winger knows as much about the Constitution he is defending with his life, on occasion, as he knows about doing housework: which is "the Constitution is what makes our country great, and men don't do housework." They might also add "or dance," at least if they're white.
   Now NEE GROWS, it should be pointed out, don't even know what the Constitution even is. It's just something that politicians and Right Wingers mention during political discussions. What this actually means in real life is that at least negroes won't threaten your life if you say it's worthless. They'll most likely say, in fact, while making their heads go sideways back and forth like an Egyptian "Yeah, well, Ah awreddy knows DAT!" In fact, if you try - and you are a Right Winger - to educate a negro about the Constitution and say "The Constitution is what gives you your rights" the negro will say "Ah awreddy knows mah RIGHTS, hoe-nkey. Ah donts needs no Constitution to tell me mah rights!"
   Which is actually a very insightful remark. Even though the negro doesn't realize it. But even so he is way closer to being knowledgeable about the Constitution than the Right Winger without even knowing what he is saying. He is accidentally saying something accurate. Something a Right Winger never does, accidentally or on purpose.

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