Friday, January 17, 2014

The Constitution Eradicates All Your Actual Rights

   Regarding the title, above, of this post, the Right, and the Conservatives, and probably the Libertarians, even though one never really knows what the Libertarians actually really think, since they seem to only have opinions about specific issues, except for foreign policy, and regarding the Constitution itself?... I, for one, have never heard them mention it at all ……. regarding the above title, I suspect not one of them would agree with it. As for the Left, a few of the more cunning ones would agree with it completely since none of them have a problem with the Constitution, only with how it is "interpreted."
   The Constitution makes it clear from almost every sentence in it that your life, liberty, and your pursuit of happiness is only a remark made in the Declaration of Independence, which is a letter to King George. These three things are never mentioned in the Constitution, however. It's not an accident. Because they are dissolved by the Constitution. Your life is not your own, it is the governments', your liberty is in every manner of restraint imaginable, and your pursuit of happiness is more regulated than a zoo animal's.
   You have one actual right in Nature - and Nature is the only dispenser of rights, not dead Anglophiles yearning for Merry Old England - and that is your right to your stuff. This is usually determined by a receipt. But it is also determined by mere agreement between you and whoever you got your stuff from. You are also your own property. You can do with yourself what you want. In reality. But not under the Constitution -  a proclamation that laughs at that notion over and over, all the way through it, for 8000 words of constricting wet ropes made out of enthusiastic anacondas and pythons.
   Thanks to the Constitution you can never really own anything. You have no property rights under the Constitution. It can all be confiscated legally by the State or States or counties or cities or by one cop, or - as is usually the case with the more acquiescent citizens - one or another taxing agency. You never own your car if you have to register it every year, you never own your house if the property taxes arent paid every year, you certainly don't own your children, they have to be sent away to State Indoctrination during their most indoctrinate-able years or they can be confiscated - which is why you reading this, assuming you can read, are now an idiot, because you likely actually attended school -  and your life can be imprisoned by something called "society" or as they put it in court "the people." Which means the people in the court. And usually just one person. A cop of some sort. There's no "people" involved in dragging you off. Just one or a couple of uniformed dolts with blank expressions. And in time of war, thanks to something called "selective service" - where you get selected to fight mortal combat with strangers even if you dont want to - you can be "drafted." Same as Assyrian citizens were.
   Under the Constitution, therefore all your real rights are dissolved and instead you are given "Constitutional rights." Most of which you cannot exercise until you are arrested.
   This entire state of affairs created by the Constitution is not something you should be "proud" to live under. This is something you should be staying up nights worrying about.

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