Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hillsdale College: Constitution Central

    Hillsdale College is a college that features as one of its main support pillars a somethingorother involving the Constitution. I don't know what it is exactly, but the Constitution is something they either teach, or worship, or explain, or give courses about, or read at bedtime, or write hymns around, or use in crossword puzzles, or give degrees in, or something. Whatever they do regarding the Constitution they make a point of announcing that it does it here at this college.
   You have to really wonder how stupid the students must be at this college that they need an entire curriculum devoted to understanding an 8,000 word proclamation of how the proclamation is going to fuck up their whole lives. All you have to do is read it and you can see it pretty clearly. If you need someone with a degree in political science to explain it to you then you shouldn't even be in college because you will never get a job whether you go to college or not, you're too stupid.
   Hillsdale college is one of the sponsors of Rush Limbaugh's radio show and he does the spots personally. He emphasizes the fact that the Constitution can be taught to you via the college whether or not you attend. You can pay to learn the Constitution. Why read it for an hour when you can pay hundreds or thousands or whatever the fuck you pay to have it taught to you by a separate person! Who knows what the fuck it costs to have your personal laziness and uselessness accommodated by another, prices are never mentioned. All that is mentioned is how great the Constitution is and by learning about it from Hillsdale College its greatness will be magnified, much as Mary's soul was magnified when she learned she was pregnant with and by God.

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