Thursday, January 16, 2014

8160 Words To Die By


   The Constitution is 8000 words long. The Declaration of Independence is 1300 words long. The Declaration of Independence can be read in 5 minutes, ten minutes if you really need to focus and take it all in and try to imagine the circumstances that caused it to get written in the first place. It's interesting that its list of grievances is very similar to what people are complaining about today regarding DC. When i was a child the list of grievances was a list of horrors alien to the American experience. Not any more.
   Reading the Constitution would take about a half hour to an hour, assuming you could read it because it is without a doubt the most boring piece of blathering faggotty shit ever composed. I mean, really, it's a fucking relentless ongoing yakfest that makes The View seem like a gathering of philosophers from Athens. Right Wingers make preposterous fools of themselves when they tell Left Wingers - or anyone else with even a modicum of awareness - that they yearn to "return to the Constitution" and that "we need to get back to the principles laid down in the Constitution" and that things will straighten themselves out "once we return to the values of our Founding Fathers when they created the Constitution" and that things will be sunny and bright "if we but were to beg forgiveness from God and humbly return to the basic and simple virtues so beautifully laid out in the Constitution"………and it goes on and on and on and on forever, each new turn of phrase more sanguine and vapid than the one preceding. You KNOW none of these fucking annoying cloying idiots on the Right have ever actually read the Constitution, oh dear, that would involve actually finding out what I am talking about, oh dear, I can't do that, I can't sit down and actually read the thing, for one thing I am not that gooduvva reader, actually, you see I am dyslexic oh and another thing I cannot concentrate because I have ADD or whatever it is and um oh yeah i'm too busy, unlike the Left I am not living on welfare I have an actual job I have to get to so if you will excuse me, Mr Commie Agitator….
   And off they go to get some fries.
   One of the things I do on Facebook - which I use as a global notebook of various notions and ways of looking at things that pop into my head - one of the things I do, after some Right Winger….. (you need to understand that Right Wingers always think I am "one of them" because I come off like Hitler half the time, who I regard as a mega-talented genius, for not only destruction, but in getting everyone he ever meet or addressed to enthusiastically join him in it! This to me is very able-bodied individual. It is natural then that me and Senyore Hitler would have a few things in common, albeit with some subtle differences: where I will badmouth and ridicule Jews Hitler executed them)…….one of the things I do on Facebook….. ( Right Wingers never bother to inquire of me if I would execute Jews. They just assume I would. I suspect. It's hard to really probe the mind of a Right Winger because the parts of it that are not leaden adamantine frozen cobalt ingots are wisps of cigarette smoke. You hit armor and you hit vapor wherever you go inside a Right Wing head)… of the things I do on Facebook after some Right Winger blurts "That fucking Obama and the Democrats! We need to return to the Constitution, god damnit and save our Nation!"…after he blurts this I will ask, peacefully and casually, "What part of the Constitution is it that we need to return to specifically? 'Cause I want to get on board. Where do I begin?" I never get a response to this.
   Good luck ever managing to get such a critter as a Right Winger to ever even read the Constitution so that he will at least have some idea of what he is talking about, and defending about, and arguing about, while spraying and spitting beer 'n' burger all over you. Goo lock weet dat my pren!

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