Saturday, November 30, 2013

Today's Constitutional Moment


   The sadistic truth of the Constitution is that it takes away all of your natural rights as decreed by Nature and replaces them with a handful of permissions, most of them only applicable after your arrest, and then chucklingly calls these your actual rights. And then it has the gall to say it guarantees them. There is no bargain in having a pile of worthless shit guaranteed to you. This is not a really good deal you should be rolling your oily, masturbation-slimed hands around each other about. This is a con. And it's a pretty obvious one too, the people who palmed it off on the colonists must have pegged the colonists to be a pretty stupid bunch of hicks. It certainly appears they had them pegged right. And then these gullible dolts bred-down through the generations until now what we have for intellectualism on the side of the Christians is Rush Limbaugh and he is pitting his blabber against the side Satan is backing, the Socialists: which includes all of the Christians! Including Rush Limbaugh!
   I frankly don't see victory for Actual Rights at the end of this fracas. For one thing no one has any idea what one even is. In fact there is only one. The right to your own property, which includes you and not your neighbor: And your stuff. Period. Those are your rights: your sovereignty over yourself and your stuff. You do not have a right to a phone call after your arrest. That is a courtesy provided by the sadistic fucking ape that arrested you. If you think that it is a right then he did the correct thing in taking you off the streets.
   Your neighbor is not your property and therefore your neighbor is not your responsibility. In America everyone but yourself is your responsibility. All your neighbors are your responsibility under the Constitution because "We" are "the people." We the people: the opening socialist salvo of the Constitution. Not you the individual. No. We the people. Since your neighbors are your responsibility then they should also be your property. But they are not. They are the property of the tax assessor and the IRS. Same as you.

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