Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 9

   The first block of writing above is the text of the 9th Amendment, your 9th right.
   The second block of writing is the explanation by experts interpreting the first block.
   I cannot make any sense out of either block even though one explains the other.
   What I think it says is that even though you are being feted and treated with Rights Galore so far via this wondrous document called the consitution you have many other rights besides these. We have only mentioned some of them: most of them having to do with your glorious and wondrous rights after arrest, which, while we have not mentioned it yet  - good news!…. you will be presumed innocent at your arrest, so do not despair: we do not think you have actually done anything wrong. We have merely arrested you. However to return, we have only mentioned some of your rights. You have others. Probably. No doubt. The ones here mentioned are not the entire load. Also, if we may, we can fuck you hard in the ass for any reason unless it is specifically mentioned somewhere else - and we are not sure where that somewhere else might be - but to continue, we can fuck you in the ass hard unless we are forbidden somewhere or somehow -  to be announced -  that we cannot fuck you hard in the ass. So be prepared to get fucked hard in the ass.
  That's basically what it all says.

   The explanation, like I said, is damn near as convoluted and mysterious as the actual Right Itself, and the explanation was written in the 21st Century, mind you. Very likely by a direct decendent of the composer of the first and preceding sentence, the one actually in the constitution. So enjoy this Right. Whatever it is.

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