Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 3

   The 10 rights in the Bill of Rights are revered and touted and held in awe and mystery by Conservatives all over America, and this is one of them. This is one of the Majestic Ten: you cannot be forced by Federal Law to room and board a soldier. At least not in time of peace. What this means is that you can be ordered to house a soldier you do not know - and the country of origin of the soldier is not made clear - any time America is at war. Which in my own lifetime has been every day of every year. Now, the government apologists insist this is an archaic and outdated and meaningless Right. I say that about the entire constitution, but let's stay on track here: the apologists for government and the "constitutional experts"- whatever that could possibly even mean - insist this is an outdated "right." That means that of all of the vaunted Bill of Rights one tenth of them is now meaningless.
   And actually that's not even true, that it no longer applies. It's still in existence so it still applies.
   The way the 3rd Amendment is worded it means you can be forced to house the enemy during an invasion.
   This could actually be argued before the Supreme Court and depending on the personalities and identities of the nine octogenarians or atheistic lesbians or screaming Muslims having lifetime jobs on those priestly thrones, it could be argued and actually won. Because the constitution is what we are chained to. And it's wording can be interpreted. The word "but" can be interpreted to mean "trailer park." The word "of" can be interpreted to mean "transcontinental with a ribbon on it." The interpreting happens in the courts. And there is no bill of rights hamstringing the courts to confine them to certain sentences claiming to be "rights." They have total liberty and freedom. Something you think you have. Until you decide to interpret the constitution your way. Then you are rudely informed by the arresting officer that your interpretation is not the correct one.

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