Friday, November 22, 2013

What This Blog Is


   The function of this blog is to display the Constitution in its actual light rather than in the light of what  you think it is. What you think it is is, of course, erroneous. You think it is something swell. I think it is something ridiculous.
   I am not writing about the Constitution to change your mind about the Constitution because I don't don't even know you, why should I give a shit about what you think about anything. The people you actually know pro'bly don't give a shit about what you think about anything, why should I?
   No, I am writing this in order to do my Christian charitable duty to correct in yourself a misunderstanding you very likely have about the Constitution because I assume you have a misunderstanding about the Constitution, and if you are an American, as am I, then you are a fellow-traveler, shall we say, down the road of what we have come to regard as the function of Americans, and that is to live Life, to have Liberty, and to pursue Happiness. Three things not mentioned in the Constitution. They are mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. Something not at all affiliated with the Constitution. Something in fact completely contradicted and basically trounced by the Constitution.
   As you reading this may know, I have three blogs, one of which has served its purpose and is now not being added-to because Thomas Kinkade is no longer with us. The other one hopefully will serve its purpose at the sad and unfortunate death of Barack Obama and then that one will have served its purpose also. And the third one will cease after the Old Las Vegas has been replaced by my vision of the New Las Vegas so I see nothing but a long run and clear sailing for that baby because my vision for the New Las Vegas might be a while in actually becoming real. And this new one - which would bring the unread-blog count to 4 -  this blog about the Constitution, will have served its purpose when the Consitution is no longer the god of the people of the USA and is universally recognized as the pile of authoritarian nonsense and rampant ferocious brutality that it is. Of course that will likely not happen soon. But that does not relieve me of my benevolent and very christian and charitable desire to at least explain to you why your devotion to the Constitution is not just silly, but actually irresponsible. In short,
you are fucking up my life. This annoys me. To put it gently and politely.   

   Changing gears a bit, how exactly you can still have a USA without the Constitution that created it, I dunno. I'll worry about that later. Besides, why is that my problem way over there, just because I see a different problem way over here.
   There is nothing more clear to me than that the Constitution is a big pile of shit. It is pro'bly not at all clear to you. But you you now what?…you could be stupid. The Constitution is a big pile of shit that is ruining not only the lives of Americans, but because it is being imitated by every other pesthole on earth it will be eventually the ruin of humanity altogether. A nuclear war will leave at least some survivors. A global Constitution will eradicate everyone alive.
   A constitution is a basically a complicated, OCD-rife fiat decided-upon in a committee room by people that for reasons I do not understand already have authority over the people the Constitution is being designed for. It is a king made out of paper that is created by a committee. The United States started this really looney tradition. In fact it forced it on a lot of people not even Americans. It forced the idea of a constitution on them, and they got to work-out the particulars of their own via their own committees: committees often monitored by the current USA committee at the time that was in charge of the other countries' constitution-creating committees.
   Global politics is fascinatingly fascinating, is it not?
   I don't actually give a shit about other countries, though, fuck 'em. Nuke 'em for all I care,  I am having a tough enough time trying to give a shit about this one, the one I am a citizen of.
   It is the US Constitution-only that this blog is interested in discussing.
   The discussion will be one sided and 100% critical. Not one positive, favorable, nice, courteous, reverent, complimentary or friendly thing will be said about it.
   There is nothing I like about the Constitution. I do not even like the idea of a constitution. And as for the one in use by us here in the US…it's a fucking mess. It's a nightmare in 10,000 words or less. It might even be more words than that, who really gives a shit, all the words in it are seditious and enslaving. The very first word is "We" and I have a problem with that. Right out the gate the "founding fathers" managed to piss me off. The "We" being referred to can not possibly be me because I was not born when the "We" was instigated. I don't really know who the "We" are. Rationally, it could possibly be the 40 or so people who signed it. I wasn't one of them. So rationally, if the Consitution is an agreement of some sort, it is only an agreement among the people who signed it. If it's the real world of flesh and blood that we are talking about here. If it's the strange world of magical make-believe, however, then I guess the Constitution binds everyone and everything in the galaxy, including the rocks and plants and butterflies. In the real world of flesh and blood, however, the Constitution is something only the people who agreed to it and signed it are bound by. Which is about 50 people. And when they all died the Constitution went out of effect. Because no other group came along to sign-onto the agreement afterwards.

   So in the real world of flesh and blood, the Consitution is now over. The people it bound to it and who agreed to be bound to it….they're all dead. So the Constitution is expired.

   This is not complicated.
   Try and convince anyone but me of it, however. Go ahead. I dare you. They will tell you, especially if they have a flag tacked up on the porch, "The Constitution is what made this country great, the Consitution is a brilliant piece of….." (something - genius, philosophy, creativity, writing, social planning, vanilla ice cream……it's endless, all the wonderful things The Constitution Is A Brilliant Piece Of to one of these Pledge of Allegiance worshippers) "…..and is sadly in need of being returned-to in these dark days."
   All these yahoos yearn for a "return" to the Constitution. Meanwhile they are being swallowed-up by the fucking Constitution. It's eating them alive. And they want to return to it. They are in the fucking middle of it, neck deep in it, it's got them by the ankles with its adhesive muddy murky life-sucking glue that is pulling them under and they want to "return to the Constitution." It's coming out their eyes and ears and assholes and they want to "return to it."
   You just want to fucking smack these people.

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