Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 5

   This is one long sentence that you think is one fucking-A piece of Damn Good Deal Shit which in reality fucks you hard and deep and repeatedly in the ass with a summer sausage made of steel and wrapped in consertina wire and dotted with barbs filled with snake venom from a water moccasin and all of it dipped in malaria and rabies.
   It is the usual "This will never happen to you unless" crap. Which in the real world of government and government employees and lawmakers and law enforcers means "this can and will happen to you once we do the paperwork, you can pretty much count on it." "Doing the paperwork" is all that usually needs to be done to render one of your "rights" null and void. "No one shall be this or that or otherwise this or that unless…" and in the case of Right Number 5 the "unless" is "an indictment of a Grand Jury," which is pretty easy for a bureaucrat to get, and if you ever met a jury member I would not put too much trust in you being protected from being accused of a "capital or otherwise infamous crime" ever since capital crimes can be declared for stealing pennies just as easily as they can be declared for murder, and an "infamous crime" is - like 100% of the constitution's terms -  never ever defined. So what this means in real life is you can be held to answer for a capitol crime or whatever an infamous crime is once the proper procedure is followed by people under orders from the people interpreting the constitution: the public sector in other words, since the consitution is a public sector document ordering you - who is in the private sector - around. You have no counter-constitution for them, keep in mind. You never get to order them around. You would need your own constitution for that. And you don't have one. You just think you do. They are the ones that have a constitution. The various governing entities and their representatives. It was written for them. Signed by bureaucrats. And directed against you. You have no counter constitution for them. You have nothing. You are losing. The constitution is why. You dont have one of your own. They have the only one. And they are managing to convince you that it's your constitution. It isn't. It's theirs. It's not yours. You don't have one. They have the only one. Composed and created and signed by dead people. People you never met. Intended for their - not your - descendants: the bureaucrats of today. Sucker. May I call you sucker?
    We are only halfway through this sentence, pilgrim, don't leave yet, you are not fully assfucked by Right Number 5 yet:
   You cant be tried twice for the same crime unless a civil court decides to have a go at you after a criminal court fails or if some third court we have not yet created wants to take a stab at it, or maybe a 4th or 5th version of what passes for a definition of a court.
   Additionally you will not be compelled to confess. You may remain silent while we convict you. That is your right prior to serving your years in prison: you may serve them with your mouth shut if you want. That is your right.
   Nor will we kill you or take everything you own without "due process" - which means we will not do these things to you without first performing the sacred rituals mandated prior to doing these things to you. We promise. And we will do the rituals - which we, not you, invented - before we kill you or arrest you or take all you own. We will do due process. Which means, you know,  jump through some simple, easy to arrange and perform hoops of some sort which we not you will draw-up the particulars of. OR….we might not do due process. We often don't. That will just be an additional problem for you and your lawyer to deal with.
   Oh; and one more thing; even if you are a model citizen by our definition and never have a problem with the law and stuff?…..if we decide we want your house and land….we can take it. We are going to declare this action Eminent Domain, not "nationalizing your shit" or "taking your shit" or "fucking you in the ass hard with your own shit" or "confiscating your shit"….no, we are going to call it Eminent Domain. It is a legal - governmental -  term that means you actually have no private property. BUT…we do have to pay you. With money taken from others under duress via their taxes. And we have to pay you an amount considered "just." Whatever that means and by whoever is defining it. Which will not be us. Because we do not define things. We just do them. This is your Right. And it is guaranteed. The entire contents of the Fifth Amendment is guaranteed. We WILL do this to you. Guaranteed.

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