Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Myth That The Constitution Created America


   America was created by the first temporarily-free people in the history of mankind: the newly liberated-from-England colonists of the not-yet United States. The myth is that the vaunted but actually ridiculous and tyrannical constitution "created the free-est most prosperous country in history." This is inaccurate. It was the inability of the constitution to be properly enforced that caused the explosion of progress for American Mankind. By the time Lincoln, the world's most evil man in history, conquered his own country using the other half of it to do so, the federal government - because the Northern States had basically tossed their own sovereignty over to it - the federal government became supreme over the individual Americans paying literal tribute to it via taxation and other forms of tribute: which were to violently accelerate under the Marxist we all love, Teddy Roosevelt, and the blithering dunce that single-handedly destroyed Europe, Woodrow Wilson (really: electing a fucker to order you around named Woodrow? Our Barack-loving generation has nothing on our great grandparents for liking useless idiots with fucked up first names) and under the capitalist-crushing hammer at the start of the 20th century that made government at last supreme over what was almost a private-enterprise revolution, and, under the burgeoning war machine that the last remnants of capitalism created via the new income taxes and sales taxes and luxury taxes and a million other taxes since, DC was now American Industry's biggest customer and the energy and genius and productivity and innovation devoted to making DC all powerful became - suddenly - a prisoner of it; FDR put the final touches on the Total Socialization of America; all of it bringing us to where we are now, at the edges of complete government and private collapse and the Third World Era of the United States that now sits quietly at the edge of the forest like a leopard examining a baboon troop out there in the plains and calmly deciding when exactly to pounce.
   To return to my original sentence, by the time Lincoln The Terrible took over, American liberty was a joke and the total constitutional destruction-sequence of the entire planet was ambitiously underway.
   It is the ever-growing power and effectiveness of the constitution - which only gives power to government: not to "the people" - whoever they even are - that has made this all possible. The constitution has overtaken the industrial might and individual ambitions of sort-of-free Americans and we are now all focused only on a skinny aids-infested coke addicted ugly monstrosity named Barack Obama, a dedicated Muslim jihadist using the full force and power of the god damned constitution to devour in appropriate negro cannibalistic fashion, what remains of the white christian free american decendents of the colonists.
   Thank you founding fathers. Great fucking job. "We have given you a republic: let's see if you can keep it."
    Hey: asshole; who fucking asked you for a republic, you fucking dick! We just wanted to live our lives! Not live your fucking republic! Fucking dickwad prick prancing pansy lawyer bureaucratic faggot.

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