Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 10

   The above block of words is your Last Right in the fantastic Bill of Rights that was so fervently fought for to have installed into the body of the constitution under which you live.  Like a few others of the Rights in the Bill of Rights it has nothing to do with you. It is an explanation of some bureaucratese. If you have been paying attention so far you have learned that most of the rights in the Bill of Rights only fall into your lap after you have been arrested.
   The second block of words explains the bureaucratese. It says that the powers the Feds do not have - and there are virtually no powers the Feds do not have….the States have and you and I have. Which means the States and you and me are powerless if it comes to a power-showdown. Because there are no powers the Federal government in a place called the District of Columbia does not have. And they run the War Machine. And all you have are hunting and target firearms. They have everything else. Because they are the militia. And you are the threat.
   So there are your rights.
   "Know your rights. These are your rights."_____The Clash

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