Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 6

   This is your 6th guaranteed right. It has to do with your arrest.
   Are you seeing a trend here? Five of the "rights" in the Bill of Rights have to do with your arrest.  
   You know what? It seems a lot of attention is spent with the Bill of Rights  focusing on you as a detainee rather than as a free citizen.
   It's almost as though the only right you really have in the Bill of Rights is the right to be arrested!
   Ha ha, don't worry about it, as my wife tells me, I am just not reading it right. I am twisting it from something noble and grand into something sinister and grotesque and horrible. I am turning a divine light into a foul odor. 
   This is what she says.
   She needs to read this blog.

   OK, let's get this over with.
   It says when you are arrested here is what you will get: you will get a trial while you are in jail but before you are imprisoned. It will be held in public like the one held for Jesus by the Romans 2,000 years ago as guaranteed to Jesus by the Roman constitution. Your trial will take place in one of the States and at a specific location: it will not be held in space or in another dimension. When you have your trial, which is your right -  your right to a trial after your arrest -  you will be told why you were arrested. You won't have to guess or surmise the reason, no, you will be told by the arresting personnel or some personnel closely associated with the arresting personnel why you have been arrested. It will not be  mystery to you. This will be your right: to know why you have been pulled out of your house or your car and taken against your will to a new location filled with animals from Africa and Mexico. You will also have the right to observe first hand the witnesses against you - you will get to look at them. Looking at your accusers while you are arrested and not at home or at work or with your kids is one of your rights. You will be allowed to gather people who can either refute the witness against you or refute the decision of the arresting personnel who arrested you, and since you will be in the world of Legal Things Not Actual Things a person trained in Legal Things Not Actual Things will be talking to the arresting personnel and all associated incarcerating entities….. "on your behalf" being the assumption.
   Since you will understand none of it since it all derives from other parts of the constitution which is far far more complicated than the Bill of Rights presently being discussed here at the moment the assumption is always made that the "counsel" working on your behalf is actually working on your behalf. That is always the assumption.
   And there you have it, that is your 6th Right as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights; your man-given rights after arrest as opposed to your God-given rights at conception. But what does God know, he doesnt arrest people he just creates them. What a shortsighted fuckhead.

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