Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 7

   Above is the text of the 7th Amendment, your 7th Right.
   Below that is "an official explanation" - not actually in the Bill of Rights - of what the 7th Amendment actually means. You will have to read both of them, and that might take an effort, so I'll wait.
   Ok, well, you very likely didnt actually read either one so I will tell you, the Amendment itself says that in a lawsuit in "common law"- the law that governs peoples' innate knowledge of right and wrong - if its a suit for more than 20 dollars a jury trial is guaranteed.
   If you read the explanation it says that the amount is so low in real value since it was enacted…..due to inflation created by the existence of Fiat Money or "legal tender for all debts public and private" as decreed by the constitutionally-created entity that operates the printing presses…..that you do not have the right to a jury trial for a civil suit for 20 dollars or more anymore up to and including some amount not mentioned, in fact "some other means" other than the 7th amendment will be found to fix your problem. In other words, the 7th Amendment doesn't actually exist. I know you are finding this a bit of a shock. One of the rights in the Bill of Rights has been cancelled. I know, you weren't told. Probably nobody was. Because…..well, who knows why. Probably because there was no need to. And it turns out they were right: people still think there is still a 7th Amendment. Let's laugh at them!
   It just got ignored, in other words. Not deleted, not amended, it's just ignored. Whoever decides what the consitution actually is decided this Amendment doesn't count. It did for a while, but not anymore. Not that this would ever happen to the others, of course.
   Apparently there are not just 9 Amendments in the Bill of Rights there are actually only 8 because number 7 is not in use anymore. The quartering of soldiers is also not in use - what was that one, number 4? I don't remember. But that one also is not in use. So two of them are out. But that Number 4 one,  it can be brought back at any time it becomes necessary for Americans to allow Persian or domestic jihadists and/or Mexican military personnel….well, to allow them into your home. Because that Amendment, if you "interpret" it as it is written forces you to do this. That is your right. You have the right to harbor the enemy if ordered to by your own authorities. And since our ultimate military authority at the moment actually is a Muslim jihadist -you could be legally ordered to allow muslim combatants into your home to live. That is your right as guaranteed by the constitution.

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