Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 4

   This is the 4th Amendment. This is your 4th right: you have the right to be searched and seized. It is one sentence long, and what that one sentence actually says, in plain uncomplicated language, is that you have the right to be arrested and you have the right to have your property taken by someone who does not own it.
   You probably think it says the exact opposite of that. Why do you probably think that? You probably think that because you probably have not ever read the 4th Amendment. And probably you think that because somebody told you that's what it said. And you believed them. Because you are probably lazy and stupid and gullible and kind of not-really-present-on-this-planet.  They told you an inaccuracy and you believed it. Were they lying? Were they just mistaken? Were they just imbeciles? Doesn't matter. You believed them.  And you believed something that clearly, if you read this single sentence, is not the truth. You believed the exact opposite of the truth. Because government - all governments - are the exact opposite of what they say they are. Because all governments are satanic and evil and brutalizingly sadistic entities by nature. But I do not want to overwhelm you with truth, so I will leave the Bible aside and stay right here with the religion you believe in - which is government - and with the substitute bible you clutch to your bosom in blind, stumbling faith: the constitution.
   Now, putting aside what you think you know about this Amendment - which is nothing - lets look at it -  and sit down if it will take a load off -  because I know you are a lazy idiot: what this says in actual fact is, and I think even you will be able to see this if you just focus, what it actually says is that you cannot be arrested and you cannot have your stuff taken unless you actually get arrested and unless your stuff actually gets taken. Which can happen if someone - and it doesnt specify who or in what capacity - issues a warrant. A warrant is a piece of paper - like what the constitution is written on - that states you can be arrested and your stuff can be taken.
   That is a pretty goddamn good fucking deal, Patriot!! Good going on that one, yeah, high five right now bro!
   Feeling stupid yet? No? How about angry. Yes? And it's probably at me, right? Hey: that's how it is with all interventions involving drugs or cults. I am here to take you past that. When you come out on the other side you will be cleansed and refreshed, no longer a fucking idiot, you will be someone your kids can actually like rather than someone they want to kill and then burn and then drown and then forget forever.

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