Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Anti Constitution Book

    I went into the arena of self-publishing once. I created a book called When Bikers Meet Humans. I had it designed and printed and illustrated and proof-read and edited and registered with Congress even had the price a permanent part of the cover, thirteen dollars and thirteen cents. It seemed like an appropriate price for a book with a target audience of, and about, people who worship the number 13.
    Once it was done and i had 500 copies, I was quite pleased with myself. Normally such an undertaking would have cost - according to the book I read on how to do this and other peripheral research materials I studied - upwards to 15,000 dollars. I managed to get it all done, including paying an illustrator, for about five. Or five large as we say in "I sure wish I was in the Mob" parlance. I still have 75 copies. I gave 75 copies away that I  remember, who knows how many others I handed over just in a spirit of incredible magnanimity. I have no intention of actively trying to get rid of the remainder. I like them, why not keep them, it will never be reprinted because it's a money pit. A small one and one that served its purpose of getting it all out of my system, and served its purpose really really well - but not one I ever want to repeat.
   But suddenly I have been struck with an urge to create an anti Constitution book: one dark and sinister and rife with satanic imagery and symbols, and caves and skulls and bones and shapes in robes standing in the shadows and the bodies of children, headless and limbless off in corners, and a kind of pale greenish bluish pallor over everything like in the Underworld first movie and a Lovecraft desolation combined with an HR Giger revoltingness and that sense he communicates of an unstoppable majesty of ruin and an overflowing, almost inundating, emptyness of soul that takes an almost unemotional delight in sadism and relentless slow torture in a depressing and unnerving environment. That sort of thing, ya know? And which to me is the Constitution in a nutshell, basically!
   I realize that among my Fellow Americans, my view of the Constitution is not part of the mainstream view of it. But always keep in mind that these fellow Americans of mine have never actually read it. Because to them the Constitution is not something you read. It's something you adore. Like a golden calf. Like a gigantic sculpture of Moloch. To them the Constitution is not a badly composed, poorly written and oppressive essay dictating in detail how you will be subjugated and controlled and governed and enslaved and ordered about and arrested and punished and fined and taxed and sent to war and how all of your possessions will be properly confiscated and how your life and soul will become the exclusive property of people the Constitution authorizes to own you: no; to them the Constitution is magnificent and delightful bunny hoppity-hopping across the grass; it's a gentle maiden in a gossamer gown in the forest offering you a peach as you pass by; it's a boon to all mankind; it's a beacon and a guidepost to liberty and freedom and prosperity. Even though so far none of that has actually been the case. Despite that so far the opposite has been the case; that so far the Constitution has done nothing but make itself stronger, make the people holding the government jobs it has created stronger; and made you paying for all this against your will, weaker.
   The average American and certainly the Conservatives and the Christians and the Republicans don't see it this way. In fact they see anyone even slightly criticizing the Constitution as the enemy. You would think Washington DC and the ten million Federal agencies with more soul and body-crushing power than Stalin could have dreamed of would be a lot nicer to the Republicans and the Conservatives and the Christians, for these are their strongest allies. But, what the hell, maybe DC realizes that abusing them is a lot more fun and since they don't mind it at all, why change things now? Just to be charitable? HAHAHAHAHA! Just to be Christian???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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