Thursday, February 20, 2014

The "If You Don't Like It Here Why Don't You Leave" People Discussed


   Since I started railing against the Constitution I get a lot of "Well, if you don't like it here why dont you leave!" advisories from - exclusively - right wing conservative types. And I don't even have to explain why I detest the Constitution, I just have to say I don't like it. I don't even have to subsume the entire Constitution into my remarks either, I just have to object to anything in it at all. For instance the Bill of Rights. Oh dear.  If you have a problem with even one of the ten things all hell breaks loose, forget about repudiating the entire ten. It's like saying to a Catholic Jesus is not in the host. Or telling a Jovie Jesus is God. Or telling a Scientologist L. Ron Hubbard was a twisted Satanist devoted to a systematic method of demonic torment if not complete infestation and possession. Or telling an ecologist activist plants and animals and terrain do not have rights. Defenders Of The Constitution are not only stupid and obtuse and clueless and exhausting they are combative. This is why Left Wingers never engage them physically. Because Left Wingers are not combative. No, they like to debate. They want to win you over. Right Wingers do not debate. They would need to know what they re talking about in order to debate. Right wingers only like to fight. Left wingers prefer to have the Law do their fighting for them. Surprise: the Right Wingers are losing the war. Because the Law wins out over brawling every time.
   Right Wingers also detest me. Even though I am not a Left Winger. Right Wingers insist I am. Left Wingers are pretty convinced however I am not. Left Wingers know their own. They know I am not one of them. Unlike the Right Wingers I am more than happy to "debate" Left Wingers. They also realize this. They do not debate me. They go around me and deal with Right Wingers. I am a party of one. Constitutional Democracies deal with numbers, not individuals. The Left Wingers know I am all alone and that I cannot ever muster enough votes to "defeat" them in an election. They also know that the Right and the Conservatives and the Libertarians are not my army of comrades. So they don't worry about me. They go around me. They don't need to waste their time losing debates to someone who will not have an effect on things ever. The Left Wingers are political beings: their enemy is other political beings called Republicans and Conservatives and Libertarians. And they know their enemy is at a disadvangate because their enemy - the Right -  is comprised exclusively of Left Wingers Who Don't Realize They Are Left Wingers. Not that they look upon The Right as "the enemy." They look upon The Right as a voting block that needs to be whittled away into extinction. Which is what is happening. The Republicans not in office are disgusted with their own party members actually holding office. Because elected Republicans immediately ally with the Democrats in office. Because they see no reason not to: they both have ultimately the same common goal: ordering people around who they never met.
   Getting back to the right wingers ordering me out of the Country: this always happens when I become abusive or critical of any of their false assumptions, which are legion. I don't even have to be talking to them: I can be talking to Bob way over there and they will run up and start yelling the sentence, Hey, if you don't like it here, fucking move somewhere else!! My response to this always goes as follows: "Ok, but before I leave and go somewhere else I want to make sure I have all this clear: I have a problem with something that is not you. I have a problem with that thing way over there that is not you. I don't even know you and so I have no problem with you; I have a problem with that thing way over there that is not you. You, on the other hand, have a problem with me because I have a problem with that thing way over there… you…want me…….to move:
and you expect me to obey you. Do I have that right?" "You sure do, asshole!" "How about this; since you have a problem with me; but I dont have a problem with you and don't care if you move or not, in fact i dont give a shit if you live or die, actually…..why don't you move. Cause my problem is not with you, at least it wasn't, my problem is with something I am trying to fix. And the problem I am trying to fix is where I live. I am trying to fix a problem. Where I live. I don't want to move from where I live because I am encountering a problem where I live. Even though you want me to. I can only assume my fixing this problem is going to cause you a problem. So: what problem are you going to have if I fix the problem I am having." No Right Winger I have ever said this to has ever continued the conversation. Nor have they taken any action that might encourage me to think, "Gee, maybe I better move after all." And if they did, it isn't likely I would move out of the United States, even if I did move. This is what I'm a citizen of. Becoming a non citizen of the United States is a lot more difficult than becoming a citizen or even remaining an alien invader here. And I sure don't need any more bureaucratic shit from the United States than I am wallowing in already. So telling me "why dont you move" so far has not caused me to move. And even if I did move I would still be a citizen of the United States but in another Country. That seems even more stupid than being a citizen here. Being a citizen of a country you moved out of is too convoluted for me to even imagine being involved with, no matter what country you're in or moved out of.
   But here's what really galls me about a Right Winger ordering me out of the Country: it's the feeble-minded solution the Right invariably suggests regarding everything. In fact, "why don't you move" is actually pretty insightful for a Right Winger. Usually they just say fuck you without any offering of a solution - such as moving. I mean "why dont you move" is - compared to most Right Wing positions and platforms and suggestions and ideas - almost elegant. Still, it's annoying.

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