Friday, February 14, 2014

This Blog's Purpose Reviewed

   The purpose of this blog is to demonstrate the observable truth that the Constitution is the cause of America's problems, not the solution to them. And to also demonstrate in a parenthetical sort of way the not-so-observable hypothesis that this is not just a slip-up of the creators of the Constitution but an intentional act of diabolical evil designed to destroy Mankind.
   I know what you're saying: but what about cat photos: will there be cat photos?
   No. I am very sorry to say there will not be any cat photos. This is an anti-Constitution venue. Not a cat-photos venue. You're looking for Facebook. They can help you find your way.
   To review, the premise of this blog is the declaration and assumption and assertion and utterance that the  Constitution is a cult deity. One way to know that you know this is to tell a Conservative that the Constitution is a cult deity and he will have a seething sudden desire to kill you with his bare hands. The reason he will have this reaction is because for one millionth of a second after he hears this it will register as true in a blinding flash of insight: that means his whole life has been in dedication and defense of a lie. That will be his NEXT flash of insight. Then he will realize that you just rendered his entire political life into a monumental waste of energy. He will blame you for this, not himself. And so you must die. Having a very-badly written essay comprised solely of edicts and false assumptions for a deity makes even the statue-worhippers of Moloch look more sensible than you: at least statues are kinda bitchin'; but a pile of shoddy paperwork for a deity?……that's just weak.
   If the Conservative does not try to kill you or gesture hypnotically to put some sort of curse on you he will tell you to leave the United States. Usually this - in fact - is the only thing they do overtly that you can actually catch wind of; their instruction to you to leave the United States. This work-order usually comes to you in the form of a false conclusion; something Conservatives excel at making; "Well, if you don't like it here, why don't you fucking leave." 
   Even though you have not said you dont like it here, the fact that you have tried to help a Conservative by showing him the false path he has been on all his life, forces him into using his mind in order to respond with words, since he probably won't actually kill you for ruining his belief system. Since his mind does not actually function he will decide that you have not declared him to be foolish, no, you have declared that you don't like it here. "If you don't like it here why don't you leave." What he should have said was "If you think I'm an idiot why don't you leave." You see, to a Conservative, if you find fault with them…..YOU have a problem. So you have to leave. They - the stupid one - they get to stay. You - the one with your eyes open and a heart willing to enlighten a fellow citizen - you have to leave. This is Conservative Logic. It's also called Extreme Narcissism To The Fucking Almost Majestic Max.
   This voracious riposte, this feral-like hate-filled snarl, this hi-energy telegraphing of their most sincere wish to kill you in cold blood……Liberals flee from this. They run off immediately. Liberals are not combative. They prefer the law: and they spend their lives actively seeing to it that the number of laws increases as fast as possible. Me, on the other hand - I used to be one of these Conservative short-fused lunatics, snarling and spitting wishes of death and dissolution to the Liberal Enemy. I still consider them the enemy. But I do not waste my time interacting with them. Unless it were to be on the battlefield. With them and me on opposite sides. That would be quite acceptable. I do waste my time interacting with Right Wing Conservative Christian Jingoistic Hate Mongers, however, because I used to be one of them. In fact I still am a Christian, and as far as mongering hatred, I am convinced I will never have an equal. However I only interact with them briefly: long enough to explain to them just once what I have learned about how they - and at one time I myself - have been deceived. 
   So far I have not made even one convert. Nor is that my wish or interest or concern. My wish and interest and concern is merely to do what I would call my Christian Duty to at least tell them once, "Dude: you're heading for a cliff; I don't know you and I don't think your death or ruin will affect my life. But I am a Christian: and you are a human; some remnant of Species-Specific tribal somethingorother compels me to at least warn you once."
   Like I say, I have been a total failure at enlightening any of my Right Wing brothers. And I do not need to enlighten my Left Wing adversaries, they know as well as I do that the Constitution is a pile of nonsense. do you ever hear a Liberal screaming "We need to return to the Constitution!!!" No, of course not. Liberals know we are fucking soaking in the Constitution and they don't have a problem with that because it has been doing a fine and splendid job of putting not just Americans but the whole world into the chains of "democratic socialism" since the day it was first signed by a roomful of -probably gay - Anglophiles 300 years ago.   

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