Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The 13th Amendment: LSD Mind-Alteration In Word Form

   "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

   This is the 13th Amendment. This is the spoils of the Civil War: universal slavery.
   I call the 13th Amendment the LSD Mind-Opening Gateway To Satan's Sense of Humor. In case you have not noticed I consider government in all it's synonyms and locations to be the visible form of its invisible Deity: Lucifer. Or maybe just one of his cohorts: government is SO shallow and transparent even a low-level demon can operate it and yet still keep it's slaves blind to its actual nature, convincing them it's a deity of order and progress rather than an infallible machine for ruin and pain and loss and despair.
   Now keep in mind that no Ordinary American has even ever read the 13th Amendment until they read it here - the most unread blog in global blogging history. They also dont know that the Civil war has as it's only consequence, other than the corpses, the 13th Amendment. 
   Amazingly, not everyone who reads the 13th Amendment sees that it is an edict establishing everyone within the "jurisdiction" of the United States as a legal candidate for slavery, to be owned and operated by those entities and agencies and departments and bureaus and cities and States and counties and Districts of Columbias that have as part of their job description the power to "duly convict."
   They just don't see this. What they see is "Negroes on plantations south of the Mason-Dixon line shall not be bought and sold and worked and operated as slaves."
   This is what they see. They see "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for a crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction" as being "the negroes are now free." That's what they see. They see negroes leaping and jumping happily away from the cotton field and down de rodes ta freedum. Yassuh. They don't see "You are now all slaves." They see "There is no more slavery." In other words, they see the exact opposite of what is there. Why do they see this? I have no idea. It could be because they do not understand vocabulary. I don't know what the reason is. You would have to ask them. Or just ask yourself. You probably think the same thing. You probably think the words in the 13th Amendment says no more slavery. Even though it says slavery has been expanded to include you. If you are duly convicted. Whatever that means. Duly convicted at the moment means when the cops puts the handcuffs on and puts you into the car and drives you to a cell. That is the In Reality meaning of duly convicted. In Constitutional gobbledeegook it means whatever the present-moment official legalistic meaning of duly convicted means. Which can change upon a vote or decision by the people who are in charge of duly-convicted definitions.
   To return, that's not what I see when I read it: that slavery is over. I do not see that. I see something else. I see the exact opposite. I see "you are now all eligible to be made into slaves of the all legal authorities of all 50 States and the District of Columbia." People see "duly convicted" as meaning "the bad guys: murderers and rapists and thieves." But that's not what is expressed in the words "duly convicted." Only "duly convicted" is expressed in the words "duly convicted." And mind you, another thing not expressed in the words "duly convicted": and that is; anything involving any notions of "guilt" or "innocence:" These things are also not mentioned. People think "Well, it's implied." But, no, it's not implied. It's not anything. It's not mentioned. It's not even considered. It is in fact ignored. Which is very far removed from "it's implied." No: it's not implied. Nothing is implied. Something is in fact stated: and stated quite clearly, so you can't get them for sneakiness; and what is stated is the "duly convicted" are the only slaves allowed in the United States. This means only American government entities can own slaves. And you qualify. Negro or not. 
   That was some war to fight in order to establish slavery as the law of the land.
   Meanwhile all the combatants thought they were killing each other over Negroes, or some such. No; they were killing each other for the amusement of the people handing out the uniforms. While "States Rights" is sometimes blathered-about as being the "real issue" in the Civil War, the outcome of the civil war - the 13th Amendment - gives, to me at least, a clear conviction that the real reason for the Civil War was to find out which side was the most evil: the side that wanted just Negroes to be slaves, or the side that wanted everybody to be slaves. Unfortunately for white people, the South lost.
   It goes without saying that before and during the Civil War the Northern combatants were being assured that they were fighting for a Just Cause and a Humane Cause and a Noble Cause and a Great Cause and a Holy Cause and a Righteous Cause: which would be uttered in different ways -  freeing the slaves, freeing the Negroes, preserving the Union, quashing rebellion, ending National division - because no one was going to fight "to establish universal slavery."
That would be crazy. So they fought for something else. Something else that even today is being hahaha "debated"….. 
"Well, now, ya know, the Civil War was not about slavery: it was about States Rights." "Well, ya know, the Civil War was not really the South fighting the North: it was about the South defending itself from a Northhern invasion by its armies."
"Well, ya know, the Civil War was fought to fill the coffers of the European Rothschilds." "Well, ya know, the Civil War was fought to cement into eternity the destiny of the United States as God's Own Nation of the Armies of the Lord." "Well, ya know, the Civil War was fought to see if this nation or any other can long endure." And on and on and on, even to right now! Ask someone right now about the Civil War - Why was it fought? Not one of them will say "In order to establish universal slavery within the United States!"  Even though the 13 Amendment -one of the things that orders us around - says different.
   That's why I call the 13th Amendment the mind-altering amendment: you either suddenly see behind the curtain or you don't. If you don't then you continue to believe that the 13th Amendment frees Negros from the plantation and makes them free just like us. This is what you see, this is what you believe, this is what you proclaim. If you on the other hand have your eyes opened, you not only see what the 13th Amendment really states…you also see that it is not just an accidental blunder of some sort of Blundering Mechanism Thing. You see that's it's really blatant in-your-face ridicule of your idiotic gullability in thinking bureaucrats and government assholes are wondrous divine beings keeping everything orderly. Well they're  certainly working on keeping everything orderly - by putting everyone behind bars! Which, if you understand human government societies at all, is they way they all keep order: by imprisoning everyone and then ordering them to bring them coffee and happy endings.
   There are no noble bureaucrats. There are no noble Senators. There are no noble Congressmen. There are no noble Presidents. And there are certainly no noble police officers. You should at least have learned that by now unless you are a dominatrix patron, and all they learn is that being humiliated and fucked-over causes ejaculation. If you like cops and government, then you're one of those. You're a creep, in other words. Hi, creep.


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