Saturday, February 22, 2014

Right Wing Assholes And Left Wing Vermin


   The difference between the right wing and the left wing is, as I have said often, the right wingers are stupid and the left wingers are evil. The Constitution's existence brings this out very clearly.
   To a Right Winger the Constitution is never being interpreted properly. Or whatever word they are using at the moment; it's not being understood properly, or it's being tromped upon or it's being ignored or it's being usurped or it's being blasphemed or sullied or corrupted or warped or brainwashed or socialized or communized or muslimized or paganized or dechristianized or unSanforized…'s fucking endless. If you ask them for specifics on how the Constitution has been led astray usually what you get is that Obama - a Muslim now running this "Christian Nation" - is not a citizen. Which he probably isn't. In my opinion he's not even close to human, forget about being a citizen. He's barely at bacteria level as far as I'm concerned. But this is not about me. It's about Right Wingers and the Constitution. If you ask them "Well how is the Constitution being….whatever it's being?" They'll say "Obama is not a citizen!!"
   The Constitution says you have to be a citizen, you see.
   And I will say "Well if he's not a citizen and the Constitution says he has to be a citizen I guess he is more powerful than the Constitution because he just told it to go fuck itself, didn't he."
   This is not a remark a Right Wingers deal with well.
   Before they can shake off the cobwebs from this I will strike again: "Maybe the Constitution isn't worth a fucking shit if a dumbass fuck like Obama can walk all over it. Ya think?"
   This usually throws them into a complete state. This usually causes them to growl - and I mean actually growl - and then storm off and walk away from me. Their backs to me they show!
   Left wingers should actually hire me. I could defeat every Right Winger in the land in a debate. But, alas, Left Wingers, unlike Right Wingers, are intelligent enough to see that  there is something about me that does not add up to them: I am a browbeater of Right Wingers but I do not address the Left at all. This puzzles them. The reason I don't address them is the same reason I don't address maggots crawling through the wet eyeholes of  dead, still-moist roadside cats.
   I will let you speculate as to why I don't speak to maggots crawling through dead cats. All your guesses will probably be more or less in the ball park.
   The same with Left Wingers.
   Getting back to the Right Wingers, they all want to return to the Constitution but they ONE never know exactly what portion of it they want to return to, usually its just "the whole thing," and TWO since no Right Winger has ever actually read the Consitution, they of course have no smidgeon of a clue as to why is it being so easily wrenched into something they don't approve of from whatever it used to be that they did approve of, which they can never seem to articulate (what it was they used to approve of) and they can never give the reason it (the Constitution) can be so maleable and liquid and basically spineless. But were they to read it they would discover that the reason the Constitution is so changeable and fluid and "living" - is because it has created its own alteration mechanism! It's called the legislative, the judicial, and the executive branches!!!!!!!
   In other words, the Constitution is idiotic, self-destructive, bogusly authoritarian nonsense that for some reason that will likely forever elude all Americans except me take very very very seriously. Even though it's Way Beyond Bizarre. And it's not just the contents that are bizarre; it's the concept of a written essay and an all-powerful, unstoppable edict-machine being created out of paper in the first place… people not authorized by any constitution to undertake such a task. I mean….who are these guys? "Excuse me, gentlemen, did any of you have any experience in creating a Country before this one? Is this your first attempt at Nation-Founding? And this stack of papers you have handed me….what do you call this?…..did you call it 'a constitution'?…..was that it?……is this 'constitution' imbued with some sort of magic power that makes it - on it's own volition - the law of the land? What law of the land authorized a constitution to be created? I mean if this is the law of the land…did some higher law of the heavens create it? I'm getting confused, walk me through this."
   Unfortunately for some reason that Q&A never took place. If it had we would not be finding ourtselves in this mess today.

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