Saturday, November 30, 2013

Today's Constitutional Moment


   The sadistic truth of the Constitution is that it takes away all of your natural rights as decreed by Nature and replaces them with a handful of permissions, most of them only applicable after your arrest, and then chucklingly calls these your actual rights. And then it has the gall to say it guarantees them. There is no bargain in having a pile of worthless shit guaranteed to you. This is not a really good deal you should be rolling your oily, masturbation-slimed hands around each other about. This is a con. And it's a pretty obvious one too, the people who palmed it off on the colonists must have pegged the colonists to be a pretty stupid bunch of hicks. It certainly appears they had them pegged right. And then these gullible dolts bred-down through the generations until now what we have for intellectualism on the side of the Christians is Rush Limbaugh and he is pitting his blabber against the side Satan is backing, the Socialists: which includes all of the Christians! Including Rush Limbaugh!
   I frankly don't see victory for Actual Rights at the end of this fracas. For one thing no one has any idea what one even is. In fact there is only one. The right to your own property, which includes you and not your neighbor: And your stuff. Period. Those are your rights: your sovereignty over yourself and your stuff. You do not have a right to a phone call after your arrest. That is a courtesy provided by the sadistic fucking ape that arrested you. If you think that it is a right then he did the correct thing in taking you off the streets.
   Your neighbor is not your property and therefore your neighbor is not your responsibility. In America everyone but yourself is your responsibility. All your neighbors are your responsibility under the Constitution because "We" are "the people." We the people: the opening socialist salvo of the Constitution. Not you the individual. No. We the people. Since your neighbors are your responsibility then they should also be your property. But they are not. They are the property of the tax assessor and the IRS. Same as you.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Thirteenth Amendment To The Constitution: Universal Slavery Becomes The Official Law Of The Land

   Above is the 13th Amendment in its pristine and efficient entirety. It is the Amendment that the Civil War was fought for to have installed into the Constitution. It is the amendment that you think abolishes slavery. You think that because you haven't ever read it. you should read it. No, really! Read it. It's only 32 words. You can do this. Did you read it? Probably not. Who reads things these days. Well, if you did read it you probably think it abolishes slavery.
   Like all government intentions it does just the opposite. It not only establishes universal slavery, it declares a monopoly on it.
   It takes slavery out of the heart of Dixie and replants it, like a brand new cotton crop, deep in the heart of District.
   You could probably read those 32 words a thousand times and not have it register what it really actually says if you are a "normal" American. Because you believe in the Constitution. You think it is loving and kind and godly and holy and wondrous and full of salvation and glory and righteousness and beauty and love and flowers and children and candy.
   It is in reality full of shit, sewage, artificial coloring, crap, bull, and a modicum of savagery not even especially disguised but pretty much right out in the open. So I'll give DC that: they didn't bury their consequence of the Civil War in an avalanche of vocabulary. No, they were pretty brazenly scoffing at you about it and right out in the open too.
   If you read it a thousand and one times, and not merely a thousand, you might have it start to register, as all the evil villains in the comic books say, "onto your petty, feeble, puny, human brain, so vastly inferior to my own" that what it really says is that Congress has the power to "duly convict" anyone under the jurisdiction of the United States into slavery. In other words it says that DC and the States and the Counties and the Cities can not only enslave you they can duly enslave you. They can make it official. "Duly" means, in this case, "and we are not kidding, we can hammer you pretty good about it."
   Oh, and do you see that "except as punishment" part? That actually means "whenever we want and whenever we decide to and to whomever we like and for whatever reason as long as it is a 'duly' reason. And as long as you are a citizen of course. Oh, and if you are not. We can enslave anyone on earth, in other words." In even more other words, it says "The government cannot make you a slave except as punishment for a crime." And every day new activities and objects and desires and emotions and vocabulary and thoughts and deeds are declared crimes. It's one of the Rights of Congress, to declare things crimes. You however do not have the right to undeclare them crimes. So Congress has rights. The Constitution is very very generous in granting actual make-belive rights to bureaucrats while granting really shitty make-believe rights to you. I am using the word "rights" very loosely and actually incorrectly. They are actually permissions the Constitution grants to its administrators and to you. Government has millions of permissions and you have about 6. Government calls the rights because government knows you don't know a right from a corncob up the ass.
   Where was I.
   And then after that statement made by the 13th Amendment there is a lot that is left unprinted: and that would be the laughter that EYE can hear, but I don't know if you can. Can you hear it? Can you hear the laughter of Lincoln and Congress and the various other Constitutionally appointed and sulphurously annointed minions who concocted the wording of this "freeing of the slaves" thing?
   It doesn't free the slaves. It makes even more of them. It makes everyone available and qualifiable for involuntary servitude. Thanks to those two little words "except for." As for "duly convicted" - duly convicted is government blather meaning "We are going to do this to you if we decide to." Conviction just involves a decision by an authorized decision-maker whose paycheck comes from the person he is duly convicting. You pay this asshole to jail you, in other words.
   The 13 Amendment gives the federal government the authority to enslave all citizens, and in fact all humans, not just the negro ones, with impunity and without having to fight another civil war to make it happen. They already fought one. And they already made it happen.
   You likely still do not think that's what the 13 Amendment actually says. You probably still think it says "All negroes shall be free." Or something equally ridiculous and negro-related or negro something. You probably think that it all - when you boil it all down - has something - in one way or another - to do with - and I could be wrong here - negroes, and maybe also with cotton and also maybe has something to do with banjos.
   No. What it all really boils down to is the Constitution declaring in plain English that it can now enslave its own citizens unimpeded and without recourse and without interference.
   Thank you, Northern Soldiers of the Union! Thank you for giving your lives so that I might be enslaved! Good Fucking Job, Assholes!

The Myth That The Constitution Created America


   America was created by the first temporarily-free people in the history of mankind: the newly liberated-from-England colonists of the not-yet United States. The myth is that the vaunted but actually ridiculous and tyrannical constitution "created the free-est most prosperous country in history." This is inaccurate. It was the inability of the constitution to be properly enforced that caused the explosion of progress for American Mankind. By the time Lincoln, the world's most evil man in history, conquered his own country using the other half of it to do so, the federal government - because the Northern States had basically tossed their own sovereignty over to it - the federal government became supreme over the individual Americans paying literal tribute to it via taxation and other forms of tribute: which were to violently accelerate under the Marxist we all love, Teddy Roosevelt, and the blithering dunce that single-handedly destroyed Europe, Woodrow Wilson (really: electing a fucker to order you around named Woodrow? Our Barack-loving generation has nothing on our great grandparents for liking useless idiots with fucked up first names) and under the capitalist-crushing hammer at the start of the 20th century that made government at last supreme over what was almost a private-enterprise revolution, and, under the burgeoning war machine that the last remnants of capitalism created via the new income taxes and sales taxes and luxury taxes and a million other taxes since, DC was now American Industry's biggest customer and the energy and genius and productivity and innovation devoted to making DC all powerful became - suddenly - a prisoner of it; FDR put the final touches on the Total Socialization of America; all of it bringing us to where we are now, at the edges of complete government and private collapse and the Third World Era of the United States that now sits quietly at the edge of the forest like a leopard examining a baboon troop out there in the plains and calmly deciding when exactly to pounce.
   To return to my original sentence, by the time Lincoln The Terrible took over, American liberty was a joke and the total constitutional destruction-sequence of the entire planet was ambitiously underway.
   It is the ever-growing power and effectiveness of the constitution - which only gives power to government: not to "the people" - whoever they even are - that has made this all possible. The constitution has overtaken the industrial might and individual ambitions of sort-of-free Americans and we are now all focused only on a skinny aids-infested coke addicted ugly monstrosity named Barack Obama, a dedicated Muslim jihadist using the full force and power of the god damned constitution to devour in appropriate negro cannibalistic fashion, what remains of the white christian free american decendents of the colonists.
   Thank you founding fathers. Great fucking job. "We have given you a republic: let's see if you can keep it."
    Hey: asshole; who fucking asked you for a republic, you fucking dick! We just wanted to live our lives! Not live your fucking republic! Fucking dickwad prick prancing pansy lawyer bureaucratic faggot.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Constitution Grants Permissions; Not Rights

   The Constitution does not grant rights. Rights are something you are born with if you are a human. Animals and plants and geological formations do not have rights. The greyhaired hippy dykes who live in Big Sur and pray to candles insist these things do have rights, but they don't even know what a fucking comb is, so they are wrong about a lot of things, and usually in a whopping way. They barely know what sex they are. So the notion of what "rights" are, you would have to agree, I think, is far far too vague and obtuse a notion for people who can't even figure out their groins to get a good grasp of.
   The people who invented the Constitution at the committee meeting for Constitution-making made the claim that the Constitution was granting rights and apparently nobody there then, and nobody here today, said "wait a minute: what?" Nobody said that.
   As a result of nobody ever saying anything everybody thinks and says and believes and professes and declares and solemnly swears that the Constitution grants "certain rights."
   It doesnt grant any kind of rights, certain or otherwise. In fact, like all government documements and all government plans and all government agendas and all government claims the Constitution does the exact opposite of what it says it is doing. The Constitution tramples and obliterates your rights.
   The closest the Constitution comes to doing anything actually positive is to grant you in particular - and I don't think you even have to be a US citizen anymore to come under the aegis of the Constitution, such is its grandeur - the closest it comes to doing anything useful for you in particular is to allow you certain favors and bitter delights after it has arrested you. And if you are not under arrest the Constitution allows you to freely complain about things. Usually things political. That is usually what people complain about publicly. Which translates to "complaining about the Constitution"whether they know it or not, since the Constitution is the source and author and jumping-off point for all things political in America and now most of the world.
   None of these things the Constitution allows you to do via its own self-created authority are rights. They are merely things that will not cause you arrest, if you are not under arrest at the time, and will hypothetically not cause you further pain if you are under arrest and use one or more of your "arrest rights." Accomodating you in a mildish sort of way prior to and during arrest is nothing to get very excited about and it's certainly not something to swear allegiance to to the point of sacrificing your life to maintain it. Only evil entities expect you to die to preserve them: Barack Obama being a splendid, almost perfect, example of this sort of thing, and in a three dimensional animated form, unlike the bland, poorly-written paperwork of the Constitution.
   It apparently has not dawned upon even one American that the Bill of Rights spends half of its 10 items discussing things you get to do prior to and after arrest. "Oh How wonderful!" is the cry of the Conservative and the Republican. I will give the Democrats this, they seem to instinctively know that the Constitution is a pile of crap but that it is a useful pile of crap in that it curtails freedom and liberty to an astonishing degree - which Democrats actually admire. But their agenda is to basically take the tyranny to a more complete degree, to a higher level of atrocity. But until they just usurp the Constitution altogether - and which the Republicans often help them to do - they'll endure it while it's around. You never hear a democrat wanting to "return to the Constitution." They - unlike the Republicans - know that they are soaking in it already and are not especially uncomfortable in its swampy glut of sheer bilgewater. They recognize it for what it is: a paper dictator written in erasable ink.

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 10

   The above block of words is your Last Right in the fantastic Bill of Rights that was so fervently fought for to have installed into the body of the constitution under which you live.  Like a few others of the Rights in the Bill of Rights it has nothing to do with you. It is an explanation of some bureaucratese. If you have been paying attention so far you have learned that most of the rights in the Bill of Rights only fall into your lap after you have been arrested.
   The second block of words explains the bureaucratese. It says that the powers the Feds do not have - and there are virtually no powers the Feds do not have….the States have and you and I have. Which means the States and you and me are powerless if it comes to a power-showdown. Because there are no powers the Federal government in a place called the District of Columbia does not have. And they run the War Machine. And all you have are hunting and target firearms. They have everything else. Because they are the militia. And you are the threat.
   So there are your rights.
   "Know your rights. These are your rights."_____The Clash

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 9

   The first block of writing above is the text of the 9th Amendment, your 9th right.
   The second block of writing is the explanation by experts interpreting the first block.
   I cannot make any sense out of either block even though one explains the other.
   What I think it says is that even though you are being feted and treated with Rights Galore so far via this wondrous document called the consitution you have many other rights besides these. We have only mentioned some of them: most of them having to do with your glorious and wondrous rights after arrest, which, while we have not mentioned it yet  - good news!…. you will be presumed innocent at your arrest, so do not despair: we do not think you have actually done anything wrong. We have merely arrested you. However to return, we have only mentioned some of your rights. You have others. Probably. No doubt. The ones here mentioned are not the entire load. Also, if we may, we can fuck you hard in the ass for any reason unless it is specifically mentioned somewhere else - and we are not sure where that somewhere else might be - but to continue, we can fuck you in the ass hard unless we are forbidden somewhere or somehow -  to be announced -  that we cannot fuck you hard in the ass. So be prepared to get fucked hard in the ass.
  That's basically what it all says.

   The explanation, like I said, is damn near as convoluted and mysterious as the actual Right Itself, and the explanation was written in the 21st Century, mind you. Very likely by a direct decendent of the composer of the first and preceding sentence, the one actually in the constitution. So enjoy this Right. Whatever it is.

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 8

   Above is your 8th right. You probably think that maybe it has something to do with your personal sovereignty and liberty and your pursuit of happiness. Well, no, it has to do once again with your arrest. After you are arrested under the constitution your rights kick in and number 8 gives you the right to buy your way out of prison for a time until convicted by some strangers and you have the right to be fined by the authorities created by the constitution to arrest you and you can be punished but not in a cruel or unusual way -  which would eliminate prison as being considered cruel and unusual because it is not at all unusual in human history and is not considered cruel by the average man, no, it is considered quite normal and, well, since nothing is - as usual - being defined, you basically have the right to be arrested, extorted out of some cash for your temporary release until trial, and you have the right not to be phasered - which would be an unusual punishment - or tossed into a cage of monitor lizards to be slowly poisoned by their saliva-filled bites - which would also be unusual - or to be beaten to death by an epileptic wielding a hammer, which would be very unusual, or to be…..well I can't think of an uncruel punishment and the creator of the bizarre concept of an uncruel punishment is alas dead so we will never know what one of those would be. So basically the 8th Right that you have says you will be fucked and fucked hard at some point. That will be your right. As guaranteed by the constitution. Which was apparently written by sadistic monsters. Who we lovingly call the Founding Fathers. And who we revere as wise men. Einsteins of social engineering, in fact. Even though they had never done anything like this before. They got it 100% right the first time, though! First time they ever tried to create a country they got it right! That is fantastic. Perhaps they were actually gods.

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 7

   Above is the text of the 7th Amendment, your 7th Right.
   Below that is "an official explanation" - not actually in the Bill of Rights - of what the 7th Amendment actually means. You will have to read both of them, and that might take an effort, so I'll wait.
   Ok, well, you very likely didnt actually read either one so I will tell you, the Amendment itself says that in a lawsuit in "common law"- the law that governs peoples' innate knowledge of right and wrong - if its a suit for more than 20 dollars a jury trial is guaranteed.
   If you read the explanation it says that the amount is so low in real value since it was enacted…..due to inflation created by the existence of Fiat Money or "legal tender for all debts public and private" as decreed by the constitutionally-created entity that operates the printing presses…..that you do not have the right to a jury trial for a civil suit for 20 dollars or more anymore up to and including some amount not mentioned, in fact "some other means" other than the 7th amendment will be found to fix your problem. In other words, the 7th Amendment doesn't actually exist. I know you are finding this a bit of a shock. One of the rights in the Bill of Rights has been cancelled. I know, you weren't told. Probably nobody was. Because…..well, who knows why. Probably because there was no need to. And it turns out they were right: people still think there is still a 7th Amendment. Let's laugh at them!
   It just got ignored, in other words. Not deleted, not amended, it's just ignored. Whoever decides what the consitution actually is decided this Amendment doesn't count. It did for a while, but not anymore. Not that this would ever happen to the others, of course.
   Apparently there are not just 9 Amendments in the Bill of Rights there are actually only 8 because number 7 is not in use anymore. The quartering of soldiers is also not in use - what was that one, number 4? I don't remember. But that one also is not in use. So two of them are out. But that Number 4 one,  it can be brought back at any time it becomes necessary for Americans to allow Persian or domestic jihadists and/or Mexican military personnel….well, to allow them into your home. Because that Amendment, if you "interpret" it as it is written forces you to do this. That is your right. You have the right to harbor the enemy if ordered to by your own authorities. And since our ultimate military authority at the moment actually is a Muslim jihadist -you could be legally ordered to allow muslim combatants into your home to live. That is your right as guaranteed by the constitution.

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 6

   This is your 6th guaranteed right. It has to do with your arrest.
   Are you seeing a trend here? Five of the "rights" in the Bill of Rights have to do with your arrest.  
   You know what? It seems a lot of attention is spent with the Bill of Rights  focusing on you as a detainee rather than as a free citizen.
   It's almost as though the only right you really have in the Bill of Rights is the right to be arrested!
   Ha ha, don't worry about it, as my wife tells me, I am just not reading it right. I am twisting it from something noble and grand into something sinister and grotesque and horrible. I am turning a divine light into a foul odor. 
   This is what she says.
   She needs to read this blog.

   OK, let's get this over with.
   It says when you are arrested here is what you will get: you will get a trial while you are in jail but before you are imprisoned. It will be held in public like the one held for Jesus by the Romans 2,000 years ago as guaranteed to Jesus by the Roman constitution. Your trial will take place in one of the States and at a specific location: it will not be held in space or in another dimension. When you have your trial, which is your right -  your right to a trial after your arrest -  you will be told why you were arrested. You won't have to guess or surmise the reason, no, you will be told by the arresting personnel or some personnel closely associated with the arresting personnel why you have been arrested. It will not be  mystery to you. This will be your right: to know why you have been pulled out of your house or your car and taken against your will to a new location filled with animals from Africa and Mexico. You will also have the right to observe first hand the witnesses against you - you will get to look at them. Looking at your accusers while you are arrested and not at home or at work or with your kids is one of your rights. You will be allowed to gather people who can either refute the witness against you or refute the decision of the arresting personnel who arrested you, and since you will be in the world of Legal Things Not Actual Things a person trained in Legal Things Not Actual Things will be talking to the arresting personnel and all associated incarcerating entities….. "on your behalf" being the assumption.
   Since you will understand none of it since it all derives from other parts of the constitution which is far far more complicated than the Bill of Rights presently being discussed here at the moment the assumption is always made that the "counsel" working on your behalf is actually working on your behalf. That is always the assumption.
   And there you have it, that is your 6th Right as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights; your man-given rights after arrest as opposed to your God-given rights at conception. But what does God know, he doesnt arrest people he just creates them. What a shortsighted fuckhead.

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 5

   This is one long sentence that you think is one fucking-A piece of Damn Good Deal Shit which in reality fucks you hard and deep and repeatedly in the ass with a summer sausage made of steel and wrapped in consertina wire and dotted with barbs filled with snake venom from a water moccasin and all of it dipped in malaria and rabies.
   It is the usual "This will never happen to you unless" crap. Which in the real world of government and government employees and lawmakers and law enforcers means "this can and will happen to you once we do the paperwork, you can pretty much count on it." "Doing the paperwork" is all that usually needs to be done to render one of your "rights" null and void. "No one shall be this or that or otherwise this or that unless…" and in the case of Right Number 5 the "unless" is "an indictment of a Grand Jury," which is pretty easy for a bureaucrat to get, and if you ever met a jury member I would not put too much trust in you being protected from being accused of a "capital or otherwise infamous crime" ever since capital crimes can be declared for stealing pennies just as easily as they can be declared for murder, and an "infamous crime" is - like 100% of the constitution's terms -  never ever defined. So what this means in real life is you can be held to answer for a capitol crime or whatever an infamous crime is once the proper procedure is followed by people under orders from the people interpreting the constitution: the public sector in other words, since the consitution is a public sector document ordering you - who is in the private sector - around. You have no counter-constitution for them, keep in mind. You never get to order them around. You would need your own constitution for that. And you don't have one. You just think you do. They are the ones that have a constitution. The various governing entities and their representatives. It was written for them. Signed by bureaucrats. And directed against you. You have no counter constitution for them. You have nothing. You are losing. The constitution is why. You dont have one of your own. They have the only one. And they are managing to convince you that it's your constitution. It isn't. It's theirs. It's not yours. You don't have one. They have the only one. Composed and created and signed by dead people. People you never met. Intended for their - not your - descendants: the bureaucrats of today. Sucker. May I call you sucker?
    We are only halfway through this sentence, pilgrim, don't leave yet, you are not fully assfucked by Right Number 5 yet:
   You cant be tried twice for the same crime unless a civil court decides to have a go at you after a criminal court fails or if some third court we have not yet created wants to take a stab at it, or maybe a 4th or 5th version of what passes for a definition of a court.
   Additionally you will not be compelled to confess. You may remain silent while we convict you. That is your right prior to serving your years in prison: you may serve them with your mouth shut if you want. That is your right.
   Nor will we kill you or take everything you own without "due process" - which means we will not do these things to you without first performing the sacred rituals mandated prior to doing these things to you. We promise. And we will do the rituals - which we, not you, invented - before we kill you or arrest you or take all you own. We will do due process. Which means, you know,  jump through some simple, easy to arrange and perform hoops of some sort which we not you will draw-up the particulars of. OR….we might not do due process. We often don't. That will just be an additional problem for you and your lawyer to deal with.
   Oh; and one more thing; even if you are a model citizen by our definition and never have a problem with the law and stuff?…..if we decide we want your house and land….we can take it. We are going to declare this action Eminent Domain, not "nationalizing your shit" or "taking your shit" or "fucking you in the ass hard with your own shit" or "confiscating your shit"….no, we are going to call it Eminent Domain. It is a legal - governmental -  term that means you actually have no private property. BUT…we do have to pay you. With money taken from others under duress via their taxes. And we have to pay you an amount considered "just." Whatever that means and by whoever is defining it. Which will not be us. Because we do not define things. We just do them. This is your Right. And it is guaranteed. The entire contents of the Fifth Amendment is guaranteed. We WILL do this to you. Guaranteed.

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 4

   This is the 4th Amendment. This is your 4th right: you have the right to be searched and seized. It is one sentence long, and what that one sentence actually says, in plain uncomplicated language, is that you have the right to be arrested and you have the right to have your property taken by someone who does not own it.
   You probably think it says the exact opposite of that. Why do you probably think that? You probably think that because you probably have not ever read the 4th Amendment. And probably you think that because somebody told you that's what it said. And you believed them. Because you are probably lazy and stupid and gullible and kind of not-really-present-on-this-planet.  They told you an inaccuracy and you believed it. Were they lying? Were they just mistaken? Were they just imbeciles? Doesn't matter. You believed them.  And you believed something that clearly, if you read this single sentence, is not the truth. You believed the exact opposite of the truth. Because government - all governments - are the exact opposite of what they say they are. Because all governments are satanic and evil and brutalizingly sadistic entities by nature. But I do not want to overwhelm you with truth, so I will leave the Bible aside and stay right here with the religion you believe in - which is government - and with the substitute bible you clutch to your bosom in blind, stumbling faith: the constitution.
   Now, putting aside what you think you know about this Amendment - which is nothing - lets look at it -  and sit down if it will take a load off -  because I know you are a lazy idiot: what this says in actual fact is, and I think even you will be able to see this if you just focus, what it actually says is that you cannot be arrested and you cannot have your stuff taken unless you actually get arrested and unless your stuff actually gets taken. Which can happen if someone - and it doesnt specify who or in what capacity - issues a warrant. A warrant is a piece of paper - like what the constitution is written on - that states you can be arrested and your stuff can be taken.
   That is a pretty goddamn good fucking deal, Patriot!! Good going on that one, yeah, high five right now bro!
   Feeling stupid yet? No? How about angry. Yes? And it's probably at me, right? Hey: that's how it is with all interventions involving drugs or cults. I am here to take you past that. When you come out on the other side you will be cleansed and refreshed, no longer a fucking idiot, you will be someone your kids can actually like rather than someone they want to kill and then burn and then drown and then forget forever.

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 3

   The 10 rights in the Bill of Rights are revered and touted and held in awe and mystery by Conservatives all over America, and this is one of them. This is one of the Majestic Ten: you cannot be forced by Federal Law to room and board a soldier. At least not in time of peace. What this means is that you can be ordered to house a soldier you do not know - and the country of origin of the soldier is not made clear - any time America is at war. Which in my own lifetime has been every day of every year. Now, the government apologists insist this is an archaic and outdated and meaningless Right. I say that about the entire constitution, but let's stay on track here: the apologists for government and the "constitutional experts"- whatever that could possibly even mean - insist this is an outdated "right." That means that of all of the vaunted Bill of Rights one tenth of them is now meaningless.
   And actually that's not even true, that it no longer applies. It's still in existence so it still applies.
   The way the 3rd Amendment is worded it means you can be forced to house the enemy during an invasion.
   This could actually be argued before the Supreme Court and depending on the personalities and identities of the nine octogenarians or atheistic lesbians or screaming Muslims having lifetime jobs on those priestly thrones, it could be argued and actually won. Because the constitution is what we are chained to. And it's wording can be interpreted. The word "but" can be interpreted to mean "trailer park." The word "of" can be interpreted to mean "transcontinental with a ribbon on it." The interpreting happens in the courts. And there is no bill of rights hamstringing the courts to confine them to certain sentences claiming to be "rights." They have total liberty and freedom. Something you think you have. Until you decide to interpret the constitution your way. Then you are rudely informed by the arresting officer that your interpretation is not the correct one.

Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right # 2

   This is your second right: your right to have this sentence above "interpreted."
   These 27 words comprise, apparently,  the most complex and confusing sentence ever created. Not one man educated in the wonders and mysteries of Law and Government has been able to say what this sentence actually means, for some reason. This sentence is apparently the most obtuse and confusing sentence ever composed. The Rosetta Stone was easier to decode.
   You would think this sentences means you - you reading this - can own weapons of war. Militias fight wars. They fight foreign invaders. Invasion by people from other countries shooting at you warrants the calling out of the militia to fight them. The militia is "the good townspeople." It's the members of the community who can enter combat without having a heart attack or a stroke or breaking all their bones 'cause they left the wheelchair. It's the militia. The fighting men of the country. The people prepared to fight the enemy by shooting back. With the weapons of war.
   At the time these 27 apparently incomprehensible words were written the weapons of war were muskets and cannons. Eventually the weapons of war included tanks and atomic bombs. The 27 words - if we are to take them seriously, as all Americans certainly do for some reason - logically - one would assume - protect the "right" of Americans to have tanks and atomic bombs.
   Well, it doesn't. And no American except me would deign to ever think it does. That is just too much liberty. That is taking liberty to an extravagant something. To an extravagant degree. To an extravagant length. To an extravagant width. It's too extravagant an extravagance of liberty. It's, like, ya know, too extravaganted.
   There are too many interpretations of this simple sentence for me to itemize them all, but basically there are two warring sides in all of this, the side that says citizens should not be armed - that is one of the interpretations of the 27 words, that what they mean is "No American citizen can own firearms." Sentence interpretation is not a strong point in Americans' lives. They are not good at figuring out what simple sentences mean. And the people they elect to Officially Interpret things For Them have an even harder time doing it.
   The other side in this debate is of the opinion that Americans may own firearms only. No NRA member thinks that Joe down the street can own a completely armed and operational F-16. Or a hydrogen-bomb tipped Saturn 5. That is taking the 2nd Amendment too far.
   So in other words, both sides of the controversy agree with each other in principle: there is a limit to the weapons arsenal a citizen may own. The details are being worked-out constantly and without let-up, the side favoring the limited ownership of weaponry losing more and more ground all the time, since they - the NRA, for instance -  can never agree on what weapons a person should never own. The other side, meanwhile, is united in their belief: no one should own any weapons. They actually know what they are fighting for. The "gun rights" people, on the other hand have no idea what they are doing.
   As the results, as the years go by, clearly show.
   The American "militia," by the way, is no match for the Pentagon's army. Which if turned against the American citizenry as the police routinely are - would result in the devastation of the citizenry, armed as they are with pistols and rifles only.
   So, to sum this all up, the Second Amendment is either just some random words that are gradually being rendered completely meaningless OR the Second Amendment actually says "No citizen shall possess arms."
   The direction of the flow seems to be favoring this last "interpretation."
   How is that 2nd Amendment working out for you? - just out of curiosity. Working out the way you like it? Not working out as you would like? Well, just stick with it, citizens, because the 2nd Amendment is too important a right, whatever right it actually is, to be taken lightly, or worse, to be taken with sarcasm and snide commentary. Remember, people died so that you could have the 2nd Amendment. So it must mean something. And someday, the good Lord willing, and if we all work together in unison and harmony, we will all figure out what it actually does mean and how we can use this new knowledge for the betterment and happiness of all humanity, both on this planet and on any of the others that humanity can be found at or in or on.

The Bill Of Alleged Rights: Alleged Right Number One

      The above sentence is your first "right" courteously granted to you by the roomful of wig wearers with pot bellies and ugly wives 250 years ago before anyone told them what a "right" actually is. Since they didn't know, they declared various things "rights" and then proclaimed these "rights" inviolate. Like all proclamations by bureaucrats, the sea just continues to advance and recede depending on where the moon is, rather than what a potbellied man might say after a few drinks. Reality doesn't change, in other words, just because a lawyer writes a law. Only liberty changes. It becomes smaller.
   Notice in the above sentence you are not informed of any actual "rights." What you are informed of is what the newly created entity called "congress" will not be allowed to do regarding this narrow confinement of action. The implication is that it can do anything else;  just not these things listed here in this short sentence. It can't start a religion. Even though it is itself a religion. Why would it support a religion other than itself? So everyone is all excited that Congress is forbidden by - I guess Congress - to start its own counter religion or to establish some already existing religion as the State Religion. Why would it do that, the constitution is already the State Religion.
   Congress shall make no law -  in addition to the above law it wont be making - it wont be making any laws preventing you from talking: from writing: from meeting another person: or from complaining to a bureaucrat's PO Box via a curt missive with a stamp affixed.
   Congress shall make no law abridging these things. That still does not mean you won't be arrested or beaten by cops if you do them. It also doesn't mean that the States or counties or cities cant abridge your alleged rights to do these meaningless things.
   Thank you Congress, you are allowing me perpetually to talk, to compose mail, to meet my friends and to write angry letters to my congressman. How very gracious of you. You will tax me - in a manner laboriously iterated in another part of the constitution, and you will take all my property if you think you need to do that, - in a manner laboriously iterated in another part of the constitution -  but I can call my friend and complain about it afterwards AND I can write you an angry letter.  "You mayest gather, citizen! Yes! Gather you shall do! Assemble! Assemble as is your right as we take all your property. And you too if we like.  And then complain! Complain freely! And write to us about it!! We are anxious to hear from you!!" 
   As all Americans have learned, just because Congress shall make no law  against doing something very normal and insignificant - like preventing you from talking or writing letters or meeting your friends or "gathering" -  that doesnt mean you wont be arrested for it anyway. It all depends on the cop what happens to you. Something that the constitution - that created the cops - neglects to warn you about.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Constitution Interventions


    Constitution addiction is like drug addiction: if you intervent someone about it they get hysterical and panicky. As I was telling my Facebook minions, all of whom seem to resent my telling them these things, but it's all part of my experiment, they are sort of my test subjects - all of whom are failing - as i was telling my Facebook minions, if you tell the average Conservative Dullard that the Constitution is a socialist document....they will all shout - usually in unison - NO IT ISN'T! If you feign relief and say thank God, I was so worried, and then ask them "Excellent news!.....explain to me why it isn't! My relief will be significant and long lasting!"
   Not a-one of them will be able to say anything. What I mean is, you will be greeted with total silence. You won't be given a lecture, you won't be given a propaganda indoctrination, you won't be given a sermon, you won't be given a cult-inspired rote verbatim dogmatic essay: you will be given silence.
   There is not a Conservative or Republican or Objectivist or Libertarian alive who can tell you why the Constitution is NOT a socialist document. You might as well ask them to explain why the Martian language possesses no W's but does posses B's and R's. In fact you would get more of a response with this latter question. You would get the response of "...huh?...." They would at least make a noise in other words. There are no noises with the question "Why is the Constitution not a socialist document?" You might get hit! But you will not get an answer. Or a guess. Or a comment. Or even an I don't know. You just get looked at. In an absent sort of way. Like the person has suddenly left his eyes.
   Like the Koran or the Bible, no one has actually read the Constitution. They have heard about the Koran and they have heard about the Bible and they have heard about the Constitution, but no one has actually sat down and read any of them. IN FACT the Koran and the Bible actually have more American readers than the Constitution has. Not a lot more but the number is actually bigger.
    Why has no one read the Constitution? Well I suspect it's because everyone will have all their illusions about its grandeur and wisdom and insight and magnificence blown all to fucking smithereens. But another reason is likely because it is probably the most boring document - and the most meaningless, if reality is what we are discussing here - ever composed. Amazingly it took 50 people to write it. You can imagine why it is a pile of shit. In fact it is still being written. And discussed. And most of the people of the planet are living their enslaved lives under it or under one of it's imitations, since every pile of shit country on earth now has one of the things.
    How can something that runs everyone's life on the planet be a pile of shit?
   Well, read it. It can be a pile of shit because it was built that way. They thought about it long and hard. It didnt assemble itself. An entire boatload of asshole lawyers and pompous blowhards homesick for England wrote it. They defeated England and were instantly feeling guilty and sad about it. So they recreated it here. And then they were more comfortable. Are you? Do you like England? Good. Cause that's where you live.

Constitutional Intervention Speech



   When the Constitution was concocted, the concoctors did not know that capitalism and free enterprise was poised to revolutionize human society and render all forms of government obsolete. Ironically it was the success of Capitalist America that funded all of America's thousands of governments to a position to where they would become powerful enough to crush the capitalist engine that financed their rapacious need to devour the hosts. And so it is that today Washington reigns supreme and capitalism is taught in the Washington-run mandatory public schools as being the destructor of civilization. This is called "lying." People with more stupidity than awareness call it "honest error." Or "mistaken conclusion." I call it lying.

Constitution Intervention Speech, More of

   The Constitution has a new ally, I notice: the Muslims. Some Muslim bitch the Jihadist In Chief appointed to some bureaucratic tax-supported Muslim Furtherance committee accidentally came out in public and stated that the Constitution was actually a lesser, imperfect version of Sharia Law. I have a hunch she spoke ahead of schedule, maybe a hundred years ahead of schedule, but i have to thank her because she has at least done me a favor: she has made my anti Constitution lectures a lot more believable. When the Muslims like something you know it's evil. If I don't like something everyone just assumes I am off on yet another brain-damaged mentally ill tirade. When the Muslims bolster my theories then you have to know that I get a pretty gratified internal reaction from it. It's like "...and if you don't believe me that this is fucked up, here's the proof: the Muslims like it."

A Second Amendment Primer Intro


   The Second Amendment states the owning of "arms" is necessary to the security of a free state. There is no such thing as a free state. A state is an entity that orders people around for no reason. And takes their stuff, starting traditionally with a "tax" and then as the state deteriorates - which they all do - it starts taking everything, including you, and puts you to work building prisons for yourself with no pay or digging your own grave for you to be killed at and tossed into. A state is by nature coercive. So kindly permitting the citizens own arms to maintain a free state is drunken, sputtering nonsense. You own arms to protect yourself from the state. So the 2nd amendment is confused in its word choice. Which means it's confused in everything else, one of them being that the state is what allows you to own firearms. Your inherent property rights - which are a gift of nature nota gift of the constitution - are what allows you to own firearms. That and a receipt from the seller. Not the badly written, drunkenly composed Constitution.

Let's Look At The Constitution!

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